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Anti Cheat - What would you improve?

Created 8th March 2010 @ 18:58

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Quoted from Imperium

Ok you’re right guys valve has vac which is the ultimate.

It’s clear that VAC doesn’t always work, so surely it would work or help to go cheaters help admins with what cheat (as mentioned) => etf2l => valve? if they can improve vac or help to update it problem solved surely? I am no expert in this field but transferring data onto valve will not harm anything at all and I am presuming it hasn’t been done.

The way that VAC works is much better than the way that other Anti-Cheat systems work, like GameGuard and HackShield. I believe this because a creator of a cheat won’t know if the hack they’ve made is going to VAC ban them until later on. e.g. they test an aimbot, and it works perfectly, and rather than banning them instantly to inform them of the problem (I believe it’s possible to look in the memory of the game and see how it detected you and fix it rather quickly), it waits ’til later and bans them. That way they don’t have any time to do that. That coupled with the game actually costing money is the reason why most people wouldn’t even try to hack TF2.

Besides, the speedhack that is oh so the rage lately is a SourceMod glitch, not an actual problem with TF2 itself.

People saying that Valve need to make a better system, it’s more or less as perfect as it can get as it is. Really, the only thing they can do is wait for new hacks to be used, be leaked to them/the public and then they can fix them accordingly. There really is no other way for them to do it. I also believe that the demo of the supposed “hacker” should be uploaded to somewhere and messaged automatically to all people needed to review it, and then the person (after watching the demo) has a choice between guilty, or innocent. Also it should all be anonymous so that (as someone said) the placebo effect doesn’t happen.

Quoted from Typh0n

To everybody who answered “vac” plz think a little bit before answering cause if vac was efficient enough we wouldn’t need to have this kind of conversation.

Oh I’m sorry, why don’t you go and make something better than VAC.

After a little research the speedhack is not really a hack to be honest, it’s more of making SourceMod let you cheat even though you shouldn’t be able to.

According to a whining whingeback at Facepunch,
You install sourcemod.
You start a listen server which loads sourcemod.
You join another server.
You use “sm_cvar” to change convars client-side (The plugin still thinks that you are the server, and allows you to change it for yourself)


well cookye is still playing..

Spike Himself


Quoted from konr

Besides, the speedhack that is oh so the rage lately is a SourceMod glitch, not an actual problem with TF2 itself.

Quoted from konr

After a little research the speedhack is not really a hack to be honest, it’s more of making SourceMod let you cheat even though you shouldn’t be able to.

But that is the very definition of hacking; finding bugs/glitches to exploit!



Quoted from Spike Himself

But that is the very definition of hacking; finding bugs/glitches to exploit!

So shooting through the setup gates is… Hacking?

The more you know!

Spike Himself


Quoted from compton

So shooting through the setup gates is… Hacking?

Dem trolls!

Bugs/glitches in software, obviously. A bug in a map isn’t quite the same, now is it?

inb4 maps are software


Using Sourcemod on your client is loading a 3rd party .dll into your game. Seeing what you can then do with it, this is cheating.

Hugs Are Drugs


Having them remove the hole entire thing so I can hack freely without a care in the world! (Joke)



I would ban cheaters.



Quoted from demsii

I would ban cheaters.

Wow, we agree on something.

Dr Icecream

Quoted from demsii

I would ban cheaters.

I’d actually nominate them for an award



nah, present them with an award, then quickly snatch it away before they can accept it, while shouting “DENIED!” in their face



Quoted from Dr Icecream

I’d actually nominate them for an award


been there, done that .. though DeNeusbeer apparently couldn’t appreciate it ;D



Quoted from Dr Icecream

I’d actually nominate them for an award

That’s cool! XD




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