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hey dAyKiLLeR

Created 28th December 2009 @ 18:32

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why’d you ban me from the forums until 2031 you worthless prick

are you that bitter about tf2street? does it make you mad that people gave a shit about my opinion or something? roffle

remember when gryzor called you out for being a worthless, pathetic thief and instead of doing anything to clear your name, you stepped down as head admin, appointed your best friend as a figurehead admin, created a PR department for the admin staff, appointed the community leader of TF2 as the head of said PR department, later stepped down from the staff entirely, and perma-banned the person who brought those accusations into the public light? that’s a lot of activity spawning directly out of a scandal

i mean fucksake, you banned me for calling demourge a faggot – DEMOURGE. do you want me to go poll everyone in the tf2 community and see how many agree that he’s a faggot? but naw man that one time i called a universally disliked person a naughty name – that was the breaking of the dam. that was when you break out the 22 year ban, just long enough after tf2street has dissipated that people won’t make the connection.

see you in 22 years lads, considering the difference in quality going from dAy to D2M, etf2l just might make it that long

Mr. Q



demourge is a faggot.


on a less hilarious note, D2M legitimately is one of the best people to put in charge of this league, and anyone who gets the chance to read this (before another one of the spineless, worthless admins deletes it because it is defaming one of his buddies) should do everything in their power to help D2M make etf2l a success

good luck friend :)




Second place hurts huh? :D


Grem: I can’t be blamed that people in div4/5/6 actually idolize players so much that the idea of one of them being banned is more scandalous than the fact that an anonymous blog upturned the fate of ETF2L.



Plantains my friend. Foot long plantains.



its just a game ;S


a game that has a lot of very funny things happen in it :D



You didn’t get banned because you called me “a faggot” (or actually, you did more than that and failed miserably and got a bit bitter about it it seems), but more of your own stupidity and continuously taking every effort to flame and slag people off. If you actually had half a brain you’d be smart not to do it here, but do it in irc or ingame (So much for your self-claimed intelligence).

On a side-note, insulting the person that actually owns the league and therefore can do whatever he feels like, might not be the best of ideas either .. There goes your intelligence once again.

Gg, see you in 22 years.


*is demourge, fails to comprehend any of the events ongoing, posts anyway*


*is demourge, is furiously typing up angry reply to aye doc despite the fact that he will claim to be above this and smarter than him, even though any time aye doc even remotely baits him, demourge snatches that worm between his teeth like the brainless fish he is*


now here’s the REAL question demsii – my last post is obviously designed to keep you from posting in this thread because i don’t care about anything you have to or want to say, so do you not post because posting makes me look right or do you post to spite me



Demourge is a faggot.

Don’t even know who the guy is, but that’s just in support of your post (if that’s actually what happened).



cool story bro

I actually replied because your self-claimed intelligence fails to understand why you actually got banned. I’m not an admin and even I understand ;) Not to mention I got linked to this, so :)

If I were you I would stomp my feet about more angrily and be upset even more .. cuz if you weren’t, you wouldn’t make all this effort to start posting once again.

Maybe start your own league where you can do w/e you want? ;)


nobody can possibly be as daft as you can

remember when you got trolled so hard that you thought rej kicked me out? roffle

you little faggot

every step of the way, every tiny little insult that’s come your way from me, you’ve bought it so badly and played into the game in the worst way and you continue to do it. each and every god damn time! it’s hilarious.

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