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Ladder Feedback

Created 19th October 2009 @ 22:02

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You HAVE to accept challenges, but at the same time this is supposed to be a way to make PCWs more interesting? What are teams supposed to do when they have srs business in div2 or w/e but are getting challenges left right and centre from scrubber teams?


You HAVE to accept challenges, but at the same time this is supposed to be a way to make PCWs more interesting? What are teams supposed to do when they have srs business in div2 or w/e but are getting challenges left right and centre from scrubber teams?

you can/should only be able to challenge teams within x positions of you, or suffer no punishment for rejecting challenges from clans that are not within x positions of you
so this would be a non issue


vertex »

you can/should only be able to challenge teams within x positions of you, or suffer no punishment for rejecting challenges from clans that are not within x positions of you
so this would be a non issue

This is correct. You only have to accept if you’re in the top 5 or if the team is within 5 places of you (I think that’s what ST8 changed it to).

If you have no ladder matches played and you’re in the “new” section, anyone can challenge you – but you are not forced to accept the game.

I hope one of the “scrubber teams” rolls you Kaidus, perhaps you might gain some respect.


I don’t think the top 5 teams should have to accept challanges from all the teams, maybe just the top ~10 or something. Why should a bottom team be able to challange the top team. Imagine when/if Dignitas tops the ladder and a random div6 team challanges them, it wouldn’t be a very fruitful game for either of them.



you can/should only be able to challenge teams within x positions of you, or suffer no punishment for rejecting challenges from clans that are not within x positions of you
so this would be a non issue

This is correct. You only have to accept if you’re in the top 5 or if the team is within 5 places of you (I think that’s what ST8 changed it to).

If you have no ladder matches played and you’re in the “new” section, anyone can challenge you – but you are not forced to accept the game.

I hope one of the “scrubber teams” rolls you Kaidus, perhaps you might gain some respect.

Don’t take things so personally, it’ll make you a bad admin.

Also thanks, seems I’ve been given some wrong info.



Like we haven’t been rolled by scrubber teams enough… :(



As ladder teams are the same as league teams, I’d suggest that players can get added to a roster AFTER it’s been locked, but with a clear “Ladder-only” status.


minor bug, in the ladder page for organising matches the clan rank is one less than what it is. It says our team is 5 when it is 6 and team vertex are rank “0”. Also want to check – if it shows 5 on this, does that mean rejecting makes us lose pts? Not too fussed, but out of interest


there should be some way to edit challenge in “awaiting response” state, to change maps or time. if you think that this is bad idea, then restrain it to open challenge only or to 10 minutes after posting. possibility to delete challenge with this kind of restrains would be awesome too.


there should be some way to edit challenge in “awaiting response” state, to change maps or time. if you think that this is bad idea, then restrain it to open challenge only or to 10 minutes after posting. possibility to delete challenge with this kind of restrains would be awesome too.

Yeah, a kind of drunk challenging protection :)



Yeah, a kind of drunk challenging protection :)

And when you pick maps the default map should be N/A.(the one you get if you don’t change map in a challenge, now follower)
So you don’t have to change to N/A when you challenge, I know I forgot it five min ago.
Also helps the “drunk challenging protection”. :)



Please add the possibility to delete sent challenges. At least for the admins. I accidentaly sent 3 challenges for the same date and time just because I refreshed the page and now I have to hope that not all of them are accepted (2 already have been accepted…).
Yes, I know that I am a bit stupid.


vertex »

Please add the possibility to delete sent challenges. At least for the admins. I accidentaly sent 3 challenges for the same date and time just because I refreshed the page and now I have to hope that not all of them are accepted (2 already have been accepted…).
Yes, I know that I am a bit stupid.

The date/time is not final, unless it’s an open challenge.

You can easily contact the opponents and arrange the games to a time that suits them :)



Apparently follower gets double points in these next two weeks however it’s not in the ETF2L maplist as far as I’m aware. Could someone clarify this? :)



Apparently follower gets double points in these next two weeks however it’s not in the ETF2L maplist as far as I’m aware. Could someone clarify this? :)

same happened to obscure
so what?

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