Note to all PASS Time Cup Participants: All Mercs have to be approved by your opponent. There are NO Default Mercs in the cup. You are allowed 1 Merc per game. Usual Merc rules apply.

There is also a known issue with the whitelist not working after changing the map, please use rcon tftrue_whitelist_id 14555
Dear teams and players, for the upcoming Highlander Season 32 (Summer 2024), we also have a poll form we would appreciate you to fill out to help us make decisions for the season. You can find and fill out this poll form Here.


Ladder Feedback

Created 19th October 2009 @ 22:02

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You dont need to make an entirely new challenge, just submit the maps you played when you submit the results. But you’re right, maybe it’d be a good idea to send back a counter challenge with maps / times

Oh ok thanks.
What should I do about the challenge still sitting in my inbox? Just reject it and take the penalty?


just a suggestion:
Maybe it’s possible to set team differences , like for example div5 team wins against div3 , so div difference is 2 , they get (actual points)*(difference on div) , and if div3 wins against div 5 it’s (actual points)/(difference on div). And writing this jsut realised it would be hard cuz not every1 participates on season ,making a gap for selecting ur div level would help maybe…Just a suggestion. safety smiles :))))



Dauk, the ladder is to help judge teams FOR the league. Its a bit backwards to use the league to help with the ladder. :P



It’s actually perfectly possible to do, ST8 has already coded it and we tried it once but we turned it off after feedback from clans.



just had our first match on the ladder so still learning how it all works, and now we have had multiple challanges for 3 maps, how do i put a counter offers in without accepting the maps they have allready suggested date and time etc and is there any penalty if we only want to play two matchs instead of three?



Currently there isn’t an official system for counter offers, however in order to play different or fewer maps than are originally suggested all you need to do is change the number and name of the maps when you submit the results. For example, if someone requests Granary and Badlands but you decide to play Turbine instead, all you need to do is submit a result for Turbine after the game, the match page will automatically change to whatever map you submit.

For the scheduling, the ladder is more relaxed than the league so as long as you both agree we don’t have a problem with you playing at a different time to the one originally suggested. If you need a scheduled date to be changed, just contact an admin and we can remove it so you can add in the new date.

I *think* the coders may be working on some better ways of doing these though, but these methods will work for now.



Awsome cheers dude :)



I think the 10p penalty for top5 teams is bad. If you have got like 7 challenges already+leauge matches, you might need to reject. It has nothing to do with being afraid of your opponent.


You can only have 5 unplayed challenges at the moment, any team will have to wait until you have played some of these before they can challenge you. I will update the entire ladder rules page as soon as i have a chance. more changes to come too.

We are thinking about adding penalty points for unplayed games. The problem at the moment is that there are a lot of unplayed ladder games, and this will only get worse as time goes on. We’re thinking 5pt penatly per team for each game unplayed after 14 days after the challenge was accepted, unless one team can show that the other are making it difficult to schedule in which case we will award a default loss. Id appreciate any input.




When you propose a challenge 3 maps are set by default. It would be useful to change them to N/A so that you won’t propose what you are not going to :)

Also after your challenge proposal has been sent there’s nothing you can do to improve wrong input. Some kind of EDIT buton would rock (or even DELETE would work).

All this was said as I have accidentally added cp_obscure_alpha to a challenge and see no way to remove it now :)



So…..why does #etf2l.ladder is so unpopular?
Maybe because no one knows about its existence?
Maybe admin should post that at News?



So…..why does #etf2l.ladder is so unpopular?
Maybe because no one knows about its existence?
Maybe admin should post that at News?




So…..why does #etf2l.ladder is so unpopular?
Maybe because no one knows about its existence?
Maybe admin should post that at News?


What does the ladder need a separate channel for? There’s already #etf2l, #tf.wars etc…


I’ve removed your penalty points and delete the challenge jewan :)

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