Note to all PASS Time Cup Participants: All Mercs have to be approved by your opponent. There are NO Default Mercs in the cup. You are allowed 1 Merc per game. Usual Merc rules apply.

There is also a known issue with the whitelist not working after changing the map, please use rcon tftrue_whitelist_id 14555
Dear teams and players, for the upcoming Highlander Season 32 (Summer 2024), we also have a poll form we would appreciate you to fill out to help us make decisions for the season. You can find and fill out this poll form Here.


Ladder Feedback

Created 19th October 2009 @ 22:02

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i clicked once, and had 3 awaiting challenges for the same time.

Happened to me after I refreshed after posting an open challenge. :(

possible that the same thing happened to me :/
i dont have any screen, but it was the same challenge three times.



I assume you can challenge people above you too?????

Yeah, you can.


Hmm wierd, must have been added to the calendar multiple times, will look into that.


Mouseover a position in the ladder to see that teams history :)


One thing that happend to my team yesterday:
We had put up two open challanges for the same day, on at 18 cet and one at 20 cet. The thing is that because you can’t see who put up the open challange the same team accepted both of them. Since you can’t play the same team within 5 days of your precious game we couldn’t play our second open challange.

Not that it’s a biggie, we just searched for a regular pcw but it’s still an issue.

One idea how to solve it is simply deny the acceptance of an open challange if you’ve faced the team (or have a scheduled match with the team) within 5 days of the challange. Just a “You can’t play this team because of the 5 day rule” or something.

Ps. That ladder history graph is epic. Love it.


Mouseover a position in the ladder to see that teams history :)

doesn’t work properly in internet explorer 8 (and doesn’t work at all in compatibility mode) get loading, team name and an empty white box

The 5 day rule and open challenges are incompatible, remove the five day rule, if people want to play each other over and over let them


I’ll add a check for this so you cant accept two open challenges of the same team. The 5 day limit has been a 2 day limit for a week or so now, forgot to update the news post.

I’ll have to look into that IE8 error, sounds like a jquery compatabillity issue. Can you post the error messages from the javascript console? Cheers



I don’t know if this is the correct place for this but meh,

Any chance of getting a separate 6v6 team purely for ladders?

For example one team for the league and one team for the ladder.


vertex »

This was already asked in a different thread, and I think the answer was no.



Really like the idea of ladder, so easy and really like the system :D
Would be nice though if, like football, teams should still get some points for a draw


You do get points for a draw if you have a lower rating than the team you’re playing :)



A team challenged us and I didn’t like the map choice. But I still wanted to play them, so instead of rejecting the challenge I talked to them. We chose 1 map each and I made a new challenge. They accepted.
The problem is that their original challenge is still in my inbox. If I reject them we lose points. All we’ve really done is changed the maps. idk what to do.
Ok this problem wouldn’t have arisen if we’d just manned up and played their maps. But imo there ought to be some way of negotiating maps, or leaving a map choice “open” for the opponent to decide. If this already exists then please tell me because I’m dumb and can’t find it.


You dont need to make an entirely new challenge, just submit the maps you played when you submit the results. But you’re right, maybe it’d be a good idea to send back a counter challenge with maps / times


Suggestion: The challenging team fills one map and the accepting teams fills the other. If they want to play a third map they pick that one either by consensus or by map elimination.

One more thing: I do belive it would be good to have a limit on how many challenges a team can have. Look at Team Vertex right now, they have a buttload of unscheduled challenges. Because they lose points if they don’t accept a challange the leading team will have a lot of teams challenging them. It would be nice to have a limit to say 10 (random number I pulled out of my ass) active challenges, or at least that they won’t lose points if the reject a challenge but have >10 (equally random number) active challenges. Just a thought…

edit: This would work better if it was applied to how many challenges a team can get. The team still can challenge whoever they like but only have to accept a certain amount of challenges per week.


vertex »

One more thing: I do belive it would be good to have a limit on how many challenges a team can have. Look at Team Vertex right now, they have a buttload of unscheduled challenges. Because they lose points if they don’t accept a challange the leading team will have a lot of teams challenging them. It would be nice to have a limit to say 10 (random number I pulled out of my ass) active challenges, or at least that they won’t lose points if the reject a challenge but have >10 (equally random number) active challenges. Just a thought…

edit: This would work better if it was applied to how many challenges a team can get. The team still can challenge whoever they like but only have to accept a certain amount of challenges per week.

I’m trying my best to get them arranged. Sometimes it seems that other teams don’t really care about playing the game :( A lot of these challenges were accepted 7-14 days ago too.

I’m not really sure what else I can do to get them arranged than what I’m already doing. If people bothered to check their email or accept Steam add requests, I’m sure arranging these games would be a lot easier.

Also, I’m not sure that a challenge actually expires yet. We’ve accepted every challenge received, with the intention of playing up to 2 ladder games each night. Obviously if this is unfeasible then we need to adjust the system so that teams like ourselves are not swamped due to other teams accepting and then not bothering to talk to us!

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