Note to all PASS Time Cup Participants: All Mercs have to be approved by your opponent. There are NO Default Mercs in the cup. You are allowed 1 Merc per game. Usual Merc rules apply.

There is also a known issue with the whitelist not working after changing the map, please use rcon tftrue_whitelist_id 14555
Dear teams and players, for the upcoming Highlander Season 32 (Summer 2024), we also have a poll form we would appreciate you to fill out to help us make decisions for the season. You can find and fill out this poll form Here.


Ladder Feedback

Created 19th October 2009 @ 22:02

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Not sure us playing 4 matches over 10 maps and winning 3 matches and 9 maps should leave us on less than 1000 points! This seems slightly…..unfair! Same for MG, they were 3 out of 3 and lost points?!?!?

I know we’ve played some lower skilled opponents but we’re only Div. 6 ourselves.

What about more points for higher winning margins too? A team that wins 5-0 should get a few more points than if it was 4-3 say.



Im looking at skewing the starting positions by the season 6 divisions, but only by a small amount. I’ve set it to 100 which works out to be +100 for div 1 to -100 for div 6 in steps, might help a bit.

Sounds fair to me.

And Koeitje, if you put a request in 2 weeks, then we will play you. I dont have any problems with that. Calendar is full for upcoming 1,5 week. That was the reason.



As far as i know, you DO get more points for winnig with higher margins. It’s not alot more, but i’m pretty sure there’s a few points difference.


5-0 vs 1-0 works out to be 1.3 vd 1.05 times the score i think, its reasonable. You havnt lost points as such, you just started with less. The ratings are supposed to represent your skill level + activity. 1000 points should be around div 3 level. So div 6 at the moment is about 900. Obviously if you play a lot you’ll have a higher score than this.

Still trying different values for the division data, its currently 200 pts, +100 for div 1 to -100 for div 6 in steps. May change this again soon.



Errrm whats going on? :/
why do we (Unaimed2) have 931 points all of a sudden when we havent playes a match?

last time i checked we had 1027p



vertex »

Personally, I’m completely against points skewing. A ladder presents a format where every team should be considered equal, and thus everyone should start and finish on a level playing field. I don’t believe that higher division teams should have a points bonus at the start. If they want to be top of the ladder, they should play games, be active and earn their spot there.

Completely ridiculous that a team could win 2 maps (and 1 more as a default? lol.), and be ahead of active teams that have won 7, 8, 9, and in our case 13 maps.

I used to enjoy ESL ladders in other games such as L4D, as it was completely open and there was no weighting given to any team. Making the rules clearer and not giving teams free points or penalising lower clans is a much better system than skewing things so that barely active ladder teams are undeservedly top.


-1 points skewing

If Div 1/2 teams want to be in the ladder they should play games, within a few weeks the ladder would have taking a natural shape

They don’t need to play div 5/6 teams and roll them, they can still play other div 1/2 teams, as div 2 teams will play div 3 teams and div 3 will play 4, and div 4 will play div 5, etc, and if the higher div team is better and win, the points will move quickly to the top teams.

givin the Div 1/2 teams lots of free points in an open ladder is just wrong, and encourages them to be as inactive as possible, or not active at all if league games count towards ladder activity



Can we have a forum / thread where we can announce open challenges / look for games etc. ?



Can we have a forum / thread where we can announce open challenges / look for games etc. ?

mIRC? :)



Oh, it’s changed again…..



i clicked once, and had 3 awaiting challenges for the same time.
2 of them were accepted til now – i choose one to play and posted a cancellation below the other challenge (http://etf2l.org/matches/14911/).
this must be some kind of “multiple-challenge-bug”, it would be awesome if it was possible to edit / delete challeges.
i hope there wont be any penalties for us.

this is the challenge we WILL play, so pls dont delete it.


Right, you can only challenge teams 15 places below you now! Lets see how this works out. You can challenge any newcomers however

i clicked once, and had 3 awaiting challenges for the same time.

Happened to me after I refreshed after posting an open challenge. :(


Clicked once on what, accept? 3 of the same challenge or 3 different challenges? Can you post a screenshot so i can see whats going on. Ta



Right, you can only challenge teams 15 places below you now! Lets see how this works out. You can challenge any newcomers however

I assume you can challenge people above you too?????

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