ETF2L Admin Appreciation Thread
Created 27th October 2016 @ 17:17
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This thread is for anyone who wishes to show their appreciation towards the ETF2L admin team!
I personally would like to thank the admin team for revitalizing my love for 6v6 with the addition of a great new whitelist, and I would like to thank the admin team for killing my interest in 9v9 and trying to make sense of this league in general, saving lots of time to watch anime instead.
Go nuts!
Glory be to the Stinson,
and to the Sonny Black,
and to the kKaltUu:
As it was in the beginning,
is now,
and ever shall be (apart from Perm abandoning us),
Perm without end.
Last edited by Grenja,
I want to thank my favourite admins, LazyBear and kkaltuu. Solid is my favourite disgraced admin. Freakie is my second favourite ex-admin after Permzilla. I don’t know about any of the other admins but I appreciate them putting their time into making decisions that people always whinge about, and doing all the crap that actually has to be done to make this league happen.
I would like to thank kkaltuu and quintosh for changing my name on etf2l whenever I thought it was time to change it again. I would also like to thank Steve for reminding me that I should not change my prem team´s name and flag every single day. Big thx to all the admins for actually running this league tho ))
Look at me my name is muuuki i do low level trolls, i was relevent ish gamer that one time i took 2nd in prem and got worse to worse after
Quoted from drew
Look at me my name is muuuki i do low level trolls, i was relevent ish gamer that one time i took 2nd in prem and got worse to worse after
I’m sorry who are you?
This is a space for the appreciation of the ETF2L Admin team, not such personal attacks. Please stay on message.
On that note. MENTY IS MY BOY.
Last edited by Grenja,
Quoted from Grenja
I’m sorry who are you?
This is a space for the appreciation of the ETF2L Admin team, not such personal attacks. Please stay on message.
On that note. MENTY IS MY BOY.
who are you?
Quoted from drew
Look at me my name is muuuki i do low level trolls, i was relevent ish gamer that one time i took 2nd in prem and got worse to worse after
please refrain from topic not concerning appreciation of etf2l admins
Quoted from drew
Look at me my name is muuuki i do low level trolls, i was relevent ish gamer that one time i took 2nd in prem and got worse to worse after
I dispute the information given in this quote.
– Your name is not “muuuki” as your name is clearly stated on ETF2L as “redwood”.
– You were never a relevant ish gamer according to Goreston as he knows all the relevant gamers (see footnote 1)
– You never took 2nd in Prem in either format.
– I actually don’t understand the last 5 words as they do not make grammatical sense, please explain to me.
– However I won’t dispute that your trolling is low level, you are factually correct in this aspect.
My analysis leaves me to the conclusion that this statement is a lie designed to discredit Muuki and you should be very ashamed of yourself.
Hildr☺th: is redwood a relevant gamer?
Hildr☺th: or has he ever been in the past?
goreston: I’ve never heard of him
Last edited by Hildreth,
Quoted from Bulow
Freakie is my second favourite ex-admin after Permzilla. I don’t know about any of the other admins#thankskkaltuu
At least I made the list!!
redwood: is Hildreth a relevant gamer?
redwood: or has he ever been in the past?
goreston: I’ve never heard of him
Props to the relatively small staff that managed to keep the site up and running for several bloody years as the best competitive league TF2 has to offer, all out of the patience and goodness of their hearts and love for the game. League admins, AC admins, newswriters, coders, everything.
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