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Why is open 6s playoffs mid 6s?

Created 15th March 2016 @ 13:21

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Let’s face it, when a really good team who actually fits into open goes into open they know they have no chance to win and they depend on not meeting sandbaggers through the season to make it to the playoffs and then go mid. 

Don’t you think this situation is kinda weird? Take a look at some of the teams in this season in open. 

http://beta.etf2l.org/teams/25768/ – This guys for example has 2 prem players in the season .What’s your opinon? Happy Discussing ^^.

Last edited by Tamir,

It always happens because it’s easier to have a blurrier line between divs “am I experienced and bad (mid)” or “am i retard and bad (open)”.

If you’re on a team where you know you have good results just don’t care about where you finish in open. Nobody will look and go “lol you didnt win” as everybody knows theres always at least 1 team that shouldn’t be there.

You’d probably have a better mentality by going “I want to place above this team and this team” and make that your goal than caring about sandbaggers and using it as an excuse for poor placement.


If you want to go mid – then just GO MID. afaik all the teams get the spot they apply for with the exception of prem. [at least last few seasons it has been this way].

There is no and never will be a rule to forbid a player to play in a certain tier/division. These salty threads never go anywhere.



(ETF2L Donator)

For now the current system is fine. You might have some tough matches in the beginning in open but eventually you’ll get matched with even teams.

But, I think when competitive gets more popular (matchmaking or more advertisement) they should add a new tier with the rules of the Archimedes Cup. New players can just play against teams with other new players.

New players can only have one season experience in either ETF2L open or UGC Iron. And each team can have one buddy (with more experience) that may only play Medic.


Let me clearfiy myself though, I’m not complaining at all, My point is that sanbaggers ruin the expirence by much

My friend, yesterday: “Honestly, we are playing with the same roster in open and mid and we got placed in the same place after the season ended prettymuch.”

Last edited by Tamir,



Quoted from Tamir

Let me clearfiy myself though, I’m not complaining at all, My point is that sanbaggers ruin the expirence by much

if you’re not prepared to play against better people (and learn from them) then why play the game in the first place


Again, I don’t mind losing at all.But why do I have to face people who play the game for ages and played the top european leagues? Where’s my expirence here?



You get better by playing against better players


Ever since i remember there had always been that one team in the group that had overpowered members or genius prodigies. Nothing you can do about it. If anything, blame the admins for letting them play in Open.

Btw who would those two prem players be?

Last edited by Kemor,

TBE pez


aint played even 1 game so stop crying about it


Open players want to play against evenly matched opponents, stop saying things like “You get better by playing against better players”, there are scrims and mixes for that. Compare it to CsGo, lowest rank against Global Elite for example :)

The new system should be made for sandbagging, something like

X player is Prem and playing in Open = restrict to Medic
if from High = Can’t mainclass, EDIT: Unless (s)he’s a Medic main
if Mid = Can mainclass, but only allow 2 players from Mid. Disallow Mid winners and runners-up.

And restrict the amount of Prem and High players in open to 1, if you have 1 prem and 1 high player, you can’t have any Mid players.

Last edited by Popcorp,


Quoted from Popcorp

Open players want to play against evenly matched opponents, stop saying things like “You get better by playing against better players”, there are scrims and mixes for that. Compare it to CsGo, lowest rank against Global Elite for example :)

The new system should be made for sandbagging, something like

X player is Prem and playing in Open = restrict to Medic

if from High = Can’t mainclass

if Mid = Can mainclass, but only allow 2 players from Mid. Disallow Mid winners and runners-up.

And restrict the amount of Prem and High players in open to 1, if you have 1 prem and 1 high player, you can’t have any Mid players.

This is exactly what I mean :).

Quoted from TBE pez

aint played even 1 game so stop crying about it

Ive scrimmed some of the teams there though, and they are not playing for fun and the sake of it, they go open to win. Like, I don’t mind if you get one prem player to join you nto play with friends and help  them, but a team like them isnt playing for fun theyre playing to win (which obv is important but its their only goal)

Last edited by Tamir,


I wonder why some people keep defending obvious sandbaggers.



Quoted from Popcorp

Open players want to play against evenly matched opponents, stop saying things like “You get better by playing against better players”, there are scrims and mixes for that. Compare it to CsGo, lowest rank against Global Elite for example :)

The new system should be made for sandbagging, something like

X player is Prem and playing in Open = restrict to Medic
if from High = Can’t mainclass, EDIT: Unless (s)he’s a Medic main
if Mid = Can mainclass, but only allow 2 players from Mid. Disallow Mid winners and runners-up.

And restrict the amount of Prem and High players in open to 1, if you have 1 prem and 1 high player, you can’t have any Mid players.

Popcorp for rule maker aka how to destory etf2l


Last edited by wonszu,


(๑╹ω╹๑ )

We have been planning on to make a change to this before future seasons, not saying this to threaten anyone but for the sake of still keeping Open as our starting division we want to keep it as clean as we can, at least now the #1 Open team is not rolling every team 5-0 in every single map.

Another note is that it can be adjustable to who can play in what tier in specific cases, but it requires to be in contact with admins beforehand which seems to most often end up being the problem with sandbagging issues.

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