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Is the new individual readying system going to make it into etf2l at all?

Created 7th September 2015 @ 18:23

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just wondering, seems like an upgrade to the current system


What do you mean by new ?

afaik the yanks use a plugin for it.



Considering a precious thing called mumble comms, that really isn’t needed.



presumably he is using tf2pickup as a reference which has only relatively recently switched to an individual ready up system.

Personally I think it is better but as it would appear to be a server side plugin enforcing it in this league might be a bit much.

It could be endorsed and those server admins with the wherewithal to sort their own servers out and allow this could do so as they wished.



I’m talking about this from the Gun Mettle Update:

Added new convar mp_tournament_readymode (allows tournament mode to use a per-player ready system)

I know talking makes team ready up perfectly viable but it’s hardly a downgrade :P



it’s not a server side plugin, but a simple server variable implemented with gunmettle.


(ETF2L Donator)

It’s not a server-side plugin, it’s in the game.

It should definitely be added to the etf2l config.

last time we tested it, tftrue fucked the readystates up. So we opted to leave it as is until it’s confirmed as fixed. This was just before HLNC

Last edited by kKaltUu,


This is what really grinds my gears:


I swear to god people never learn to F4 up. It takes much longer to start up the game with this new system.



Quoted from Setlet

I swear to god people never learn to F4 up. It takes much longer to start up the game with this new system.

Not really..

Quoted from kKaltUu

last time we tested it, tftrue fucked the readystates up. So we opted to leave it as is until it’s confirmed as fixed. This was just before HLNC

There was a TFTV thread where people were discussing it and SOAPDM was bugged but Lange updated it. Later on, Anakin fixed TFTrue aswell, so as soon as you set the timer to 5 to make p-rec work, the individual ready-up will work.


Quoted from Setlet

I swear to god people never learn to F4 up. It takes much longer to start up the game with this new system.

i see this a lot in pickups, don’t know if this is an issue in more organised play

Don’t think it’s a major issue worth sweating about in comp TF2. I can see the need for it in TF2pickups, but not in ETF2L. Far more important things to focus on.


I would support this system being implemented but please don’t implement it for another few weeks because there are still custom HUDs which are incapable of showing the full row of boxes (e.g. raysHUD – the one I use).



Not needed for organised play, but good for lobbies and pugs I guess

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