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Match Nights

Created 23rd March 2015 @ 21:10

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So I’m thinking of starting to play ETF2L 6s, but the main thing stopping me is I don’t know when matches are played? Is there a set day, or is it organised between the captains?

Thanks in advance



days vary but usually sunday-thursday and the most common time is 21 or 21:15 but some teams also start matches at 20. Matches take ideally 30 minutes per map and 2 maps are played but delays make a match take maybe 90 minutes roughly

edit: I dont know how the new system works since i quit the game myself but you submit days when you can play and the other team does the same then a random day which both teams can play gets picked (i think)

Last edited by alba,



Turns out it’s usually Thursday around 21cet.


practice wars are played Sunday – Thursday starting 20 cet.

Most teams try to get official games 21:15 so they can manage to have warmup maps.


An ETF2L season Week goes from Sunday 0:00 CET until Thursday 23:59 CET every week.

That leaves 5 possible match days (Su,Mo,Tue,Wed,Thu)

If you want to know how a match schedule is decided via the new system go over to http://etf2l.org/help/swiss-system-faq/ and read up on it.

The most common match starting times are 19-21 CET.
Generally the lower the tier the earlier the teams schedule their matches.

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