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Roster locking

Created 5th March 2015 @ 23:28

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I have looked but can’t seem to find any information on it but do the rosters for a team lock at any time. So for highlander season 8 will the rosters lock at a certain time so no more people can join?
If you don’t understand my question i will try re-word it. (I put this on here because i could not find any information on it.



1.6 Teams are not allowed to use new players from week 7 and onward

Teams may not add new players to their roster during week 7 and following playoffs. Teams may use new players in that time, however only if their opponent agrees and if they do not break the maximum merc limit.



I presume that rule above is irrelevant now since it was designed to stop teams adding players to win their week 7 game with. Now it should stop teams adding players for the playoffs. I’d expect an announcement with a change of date soon, if it shouldn’t have been done already (probably should).

If it stays the same I’d expect a fair chunk of abuse.

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