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Granary popularity vote

Created 13th November 2014 @ 15:36

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Looks like it didn’t take long from someone mentioning a map to a discussion about next seasons map pool, classic.

Whats the beef with logjam? Its a cool map.
Granary is just slow sometimes but still better than badlands


Granary is a classic. You cant remove granary…

Fuck viaduct though. I`d take gravelpit over it any day.



Quoted from Permzilla

Looks like it didn’t take long from an admin mentioning a map to a discussion about next seasons map pool, classic.




Quoted from fraac



Quoted from ducky


Ignore the league admin tag,this is a purely personal poll that’s not going to influence ETF2Ls decision regarding the map pool of future seasons in any way.

Quoted from ducky


I thought I explained myself thoroughly enough when replying to kaneco,but here it is again:

– I do not have the ability to hide the admin tag,sorry.

– This is purely personal and has no influence on decisions regarding any future map-pools

TL;DR: Don’t worry about it.



Quoted from Collaide

I think you’re afraid of learning how to play a new map. Get over it.

just because they play in ESEA it doesnt mean its any good


personal opinion:
As a medic, I have mixed feelings about gran. I think mid allows for very interesting tactics (and dead medics :( ). Second is very special since that “zone” is composed of an open and enclosed area. Last might be a bit more difficult to push because of that huge area you need to cross.
The only big problem is the fact that only 2 ways connect 2nd to mid and you have the possibility to watch both entrances without standing too far away. Gully has only 2 as well, but you need to stand far back and won’t be able to cover them as good.

TLDR: the map has it’s problems, but due to it’s layout is has a rather unique way to be played without changing the game mode.


(ETF2L Donator)

Granary is only still in the mappool because Sonny Black is a soldier main. When will the corruption end?



Yes, Permzilla, I believed ducky the first time he said that. Are you really that naive about the appearance an ‘admin’ tag has? While the results are for his own interest, I think we all assumed that the discussion provoking the question was a private one among admins.


back to

I just want to play Badlands every official. So removing Granary is a step in the right direction.


Quoted from rytis

just because they play in ESEA it doesnt mean its any good

just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it bad



Quoted from fraac

Yes, Permzilla, I believed ducky the first time he said that. Are you really that naive about the appearance an ‘admin’ tag has? While the results are for his own interest, I think we all assumed that the discussion provoking the question was a private one among admins.

Are admins not allowed to have their own personal thoughts on a subject? Deciding the map pool for example is not based on every admins personal feelings on each map (bring back turbine) but on their opinion on what is best for the league.

So no I don’t think a league admin having a small poll about whether people like Granary is important, if its any other individual you wouldn’t have a problem with it.



Quoted from fraac

I think we all assumed that the discussion provoking the question was a private one among admins.

I didn’t because Ducky said it wasn’t. Are you dumb is there some sort of admin code you’ve been working on the past few years trying to decipher

Last edited by Tomu,



Quoted from fraac

Yes, Permzilla, I believed ducky the first time he said that. Are you really that naive about the appearance an ‘admin’ tag has? While the results are for his own interest, I think we all assumed that the discussion provoking the question was a private one among admins.

I didn’t think this and Perm is not naive for thinking that we might actually take it on board when someone outright tells us something like that. He said to ignore his admin tag, how hard can that really be?


IMO logjam is fine, i like how easy it is to pick up momentum in it

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