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Submissions of logs as evidence

Created 1st October 2014 @ 23:54

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So I’m pretty new round here and I was kinda wondering why logs from logs.tf are not accepted as evidence. They contain the steam IDs, etf2l + UGC profile links, stats, scores and map information. So where’s the problem in using them? I dunno maybe I’m missing something here but you can’t really “fake” logs…



They say you can fake them. Which you can, by typing whatever steamids you want. But you can also fake screenshots by playing against 6 friends with fake names and avatars. Harder to fake logs uploaded by “Arie – VanillaTF2”.

Use both, whatever.


Fake logs = Notepad + Ctrl+h


evidence for?



Hi sonny :D


Quoted from Kengur

Fake logs = Notepad + Ctrl+h

Just to illustrate how easy this is to do see;

Spike Himself


Theoratically etf2l could work with server providers on a digital trust of sorts. Logs uploaded by such servers would be trustworthy because .. reasons.


So I had no idea you could fake logs but I assume that it would be possible to submit logs from say serverme.tf as it’s hard to fake an uploader in the same way.

I dunno tbh but I personally think it would be awesome if ETF2L could use logs as evidence because I just think they are more robost and conveniant than screens.

Last edited by Casino,


Quoted from fraac

They say you can fake them. Which you can, by typing whatever steamids you want. But you can also fake screenshots by playing against 6 friends with fake names and avatars. Harder to fake logs uploaded by “Arie – VanillaTF2”.

Use both, whatever.

Idd, both easy to fake. Would rather trust a serve.me log than a screenshot.

Last edited by Koala,



Firstly: we do accept logs, however due to ease of use (Screenshots = one album, logs = a dozen separate tabs you have to open, getting exponentially more complicated each time you come back to check a team’s proof again) we prefer screens.

The second reason is the whole fake issue.


hi im dog

TBH – how sad or desperate you must be to fake logs to get in a div?

Last edited by kronis,



Quoted from kronis

TBH – how sad or desperate you must be to fake logs to get in a div?

Just ask all the people who cheat to be win…


All logs are is just plain text of almost every single action that happened in the game, logs.tf just translates that text in a much comfortable way for us to see them.
So of course you can edit anything you wanted before you uploaded the log file.



Quoted from Koala

Would rather trust a serve.me log than a screenshot.



Logs wouldn’t integrate with the parser in the same way and we’d have to rework the way it tracks the matches you’ve played on your profile. All this for the sake of “allowing logs” when taking screenshots is SUPER easy with P-REC, there really isn’t much point.

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