Something i don't understand in the rules
Created 15th April 2009 @ 23:12
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1.6.6 No ringers allowed unless your opponent agrees
You are not allowed to use a ringer at any time of a match unless your opponent agreed to it. Teams caught using an unauthorized ringer will be expelled from the league and the ringer will be banned from all subsequent ETF2L competitions.
What is a ‘ringer’?
a person that is not on the official roster of the team (yet). Meaning, a player that does not belong to the team for real, but plays for them cause they only have 5.
Also known as a merc or a stepin. Ringer is just the american way of saying it.
cant ppl just pm admins in mirc instead of creatin new threads :<
Ringer is not the American way, it was used in Quake and QTFW and in every damn game I’ve played so far. Actually TF2 is the first game I’ve even heard the term merc used in this purpose. Some CS term perhaps? But I still prefer the original ringer :)
merc was used in TFC.
Just to aid further (if required) here is a better definition.
Merc = Mercenary, A mercenary is a person who takes part in an armed conflict, who is not a national or a party to the conflict for personal gain
In our case, the gain is e-respect? :P
Sneis – The whole point of creating a thread is exactly that, to save admins time and make clear cut the rules to other people. There is no need to try and insult him for asking a pretty simple question.
What could be an idea for the admins would be to create a League Rule FAQ thread, listing the constant pm’s they no doubt get daily.
That’s a little excessive. Any specific reasoning on the admins behalf?
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