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New User wondering about server locations

Created 10th June 2014 @ 06:23

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Hello! I read about Highlander Open, and it looked like something I might be interested doing. But first, I noticed that this is the European TF2 League. Are all the servers located in Europe?

I live in America, and wanted to know if this wasn’t a possibility for me. Is there some “American TF2 League” that I can join with servers located in America?



UGC is an international and the most competitive highlander league in North America I believe http://ugcleague.com/

The thing about the servers is, if you’re going to play against an European team you’ll have to use their servers

Even though this is a European centered event, we will welcome players from other regions with open arms. We will even try to place you into the same groups to ease the process of scheduling matches with your opponents. Against European opponents however, you will have to play on European servers at European times. The usual playing time for ETF2L matches is Sunday’s from 19:00-21:30 CEST. Make sure you are willing to (and can!) play at such times and on European servers before you sign up.


If a lot of American teams will be created in ETF2L, admins will just make Divs full of American teams, so that Euros won’t have any problems.



Because we always get exactly a div of American teams. Or two.

Spike Himself


For clarity – while the league does have servers to lend out, it is more common for teams to have their own server. These are the ones used in official matches too, and can be located anywhere.

One would fall back on a neutral league-provided server when both teams don’t want to play on each other’s servers.

Last edited by Spike Himself,


UbeR |

You can negotiate on servers with your opponents, but for the HLO we’ll probably place teams in divisions based on location.

Last edited by kKaltUu,



Quoted from ash

Because we always get exactly a div of American teams. Or two.

This. It’s likely American teams will be paired up with other American teams. Of course if there isn’t a nice number they’ll be put some with British/Spanish/Portuguese teams.

We have a New York server to use, else you’ll have to find your own server – http://na.serveme.tf/ is a good place to start for finding a server.


Someone should make an introduction video for ETF2L, explaining how to join/leave teams, how divisions work, how to make rec. post and some other important stuff, i don’t think that people want to read guides on forums.

Spike Himself


Quoted from Popcorp

i don’t think that people want to read guides on forums.

If people are not willing to absorb information that is already freely available (in w/e format) – http://etf2l.org/help/new/ – I don’t think a video is necessarily going to help much.

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