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[old] New theme feedback thread

Created 27th February 2014 @ 10:15

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Can you make the team history and previous rec posts collapsable (and collapsed by default) so I don’t need to scroll through two pages of static information to come to the juice bits (the newest comments).



Looks nice, tho I think http://gyazo.com/ebe9d37d3d5cc1508ad5f86f689abde8.png
There should be more to that than just the etf2l sign. Didn’t read this whole thread so maybe someone has already said this.


Quoted from ash

Can you make the team history and previous rec posts collapsable (and collapsed by default) so I don’t need to scroll through two pages of static information to come to the juice bits (the newest comments).

They will show first 3-5 elements with more button on the bottom.
(I will work on JS tommorow)

Gentleman Jon

Quoted from CHERRY

Smartphone view

Great work, thanks`


Quoted from Starkie

this is shaping up really well
I’m getting anal over the flags though, it seems they aren’t centred with the line of text (too low down)

Yeah I should fix this. By default they are centered like this http://parwieslander.se/stackoverflow/baseline-meanline.png, so they look a little off near the big letters, but I should find a way around.

Last edited by CHERRY,


Quoted from Kaneco


Much better flags :P, altough I feel they would work better with a small outline or a slight shadow? Can you try it?

Also the recruitment post seems cool but I think the original post itself should have a different color as well (same as the responses to the rec post)

Responses have the same colors as comments and forum so they would look a bit odd.


Centered flags: http://i.imgur.com/8s1O61s.png
Tried shadows, but it didn’t look good.

Last edited by CHERRY,


Have you thought about putting the ETF2L logo on the navigation bar (postion of HOME). That way the logo is always visible and you have space for 3 ads).

Not sure how it’s gonna look though. Maybe give it a try.


Quoted from MoZz

Have you thought about putting the ETF2L logo on the navigation bar (postion of HOME). That way the logo is always visible and you have space for 3 ads).

Not sure how it’s gonna look though. Maybe give it a try.

It looks worse imo.


I didn’t mean like that. Make it so the blue background of the logo is the same seize as the navigation bar, so the stars are overlapping top/bot.


Quoted from MoZz

I didn’t mean like that. Make it so the blue background of the logo is the same seize as the navigation bar, so the stars are overlapping top/bot.

Cropping logo is even worse idea imo, since it won’t be completely visible.
It leaves little space for 11 positions in top navigation bar and can’t overlap top since wordpress bar won’t be always visible.


Quoted from CHERRY

Centered flags: http://i.imgur.com/8s1O61s.png
Tried shadows, but it didn’t look good.

Fair enough, thought it would look better. What about adding a light blue/teal outline? Just throwing it out there, not sure how it will look but just because there are too many flags with different shades of blue that can become confusing with a blue background

Quoted from CHERRY

Cropping logo is even worse idea imo, since it won’t be completely visible.
It leaves little space for 11 positions in top navigation bar and can’t overlap top since wordpress bar won’t be always visible.

I feel what mozz said would look really good if the logo was a bit different, giving more space for ads in the header and leaving the logo always present in the menu. But with the current logo design it simply won’t look good unless you give it enough space in the header.

All in all, good work.


So, here’s what I meant: http://i.imgur.com/ckz0kxH.jpg

//EDIT: Unaltered logo: http://i.imgur.com/5nBDEPV.jpg

Last edited by MoZz,


Quoted from MoZz

So, here’s what I meant: http://i.imgur.com/ckz0kxH.jpg

//EDIT: Unaltered logo: http://i.imgur.com/5nBDEPV.jpg

That’s impossible. That bar at the top is completely independent from the site, its a wordpress backend thing and you cant really overlap anything there afaik


Quoted from Kaneco


That’s impossible. That bar at the top is completely independent from the site, its a wordpress backend thing and you cant really overlap anything there afaik

19:47 – mozz: thats not gonna work if you cant put the pic over the wordpress bar
19:47 – CHERRY | Sell keys and metal: I can

Last edited by MoZz,

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