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[old] New theme feedback thread

Created 27th February 2014 @ 10:15

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i actually dig the blue vs white very much although i’d have made the white a bit less white. big fan of the clean/flat look.

not a fan of any background at all, though. i prefer stuff clean. the background rapes the rest of the visuals, in my opinion. too bad.

Last edited by Bucake,


is everyone making ugly flat surfaces because microsoft decided windows 8 must look like square?



Really like it actually, use a slightly brighter colour palette, tighten up some of the free space. I’d also suggest not centralising the font for recent forum activity (consistency is best).

A more stylized banner would be cool. while the simplicity is nice, games forums are especially good when they give the viewer an immediate idea of what the site is.

Foreground for the main body is fine. Background (instead of grey) would be fantastic. Maybe an ingame image or vector sheet.

Got a decent amount of experience.

Last edited by hawku,

Spike Himself


Quoted from AnimaL

is everyone making ugly flat surfaces because microsoft decided windows 8 must look like square?

It’s the general smartphone/tablet look. On the bright side, it’s just a phase.


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Spike Himself


It’s the general smartphone/tablet look. On the bright side, it’s just a phase.

Why isn’t everything on etf2l an app yet? So 2008, get with the times wow


Quoted from hawku

Really like it actually, use a slightly brighter colour palette, tighten up some of the free space. I’d also suggest not centralising the font for recent forum activity (consistency is best).

A more stylized banner would be cool. while the simplicity is nice, games forums are especially good when they give the viewer an immediate idea of what the site is.

Foreground for the main body is fine. Background (instead of grey) would be fantastic. Maybe an ingame image or vector sheet.

Got a decent amount of experience.

I’d say that news is inconsistent since TF.tv streams are centered too :p



Forums arent poems though, so please dont centralize them. Looks ugly as fuck imho :)


Quoted from CHERRY

It’s flat and I made it flat intentionally. There are 8 shades of blue and I agree that shadows might make it better even inner ones, but I’d rather drop the project than use gradients on elements, they are soooooo 2004.

I understand what you mean, I went the same direction with the comp.tf logo and branding and it worked very well so far, also, it makes it really easy to replicate for various applications (overlays, logos, promos, banners, etc…). I like the design style, it’s clean, and usable, but it’s also very risky and I feel it has to use the absolute right variations of colors or the design will not work.

Also there are plenty more stylized options nowadays that are also modern and work very well (with gradients etc…) Look for example at serveme.tf, backpack.tf or tf2outpost menus, they have a slight gradient with a hover on action to the button and it works very well and still looks up to today’s design standards. Honestly I would love you to give a shot at those kind of menus.

I also love the new icons/button style in a lot of popular web platforms that is particular to the bootstrap framework, you could see if you can find something interesting here http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/ for example. I think it shouldn’t be used on the main menu, but these buttons usually go very well on specific buttons such as the profile or some action menus (ex: serveme.tf and backpack.tf)

Also after everything is said and done can you guys release a public media pack with a bunch of logos and banners in different sizes as well as the color palettes (ex: http://i.imgur.com/ub9FLyz.png) ?


Looks pretty awesome!

Only thing bothering me is that the ETF2L logo looks just like another sponsor logo, when they’re next to each other/same seize.


Quoted from Kaneco


I understand what you mean, I went the same direction with the comp.tf logo and branding and it worked very well so far, also, it makes it really easy to replicate for various applications (overlays, logos, promos, banners, etc…). I like the design style, it’s clean, and usable, but it’s also very risky and I feel it has to use the absolute right variations of colors or the design will not work.

Also there are plenty more stylized options nowadays that are also modern and work very well (with gradients etc…) Look for example at serveme.tf, backpack.tf or tf2outpost menus, they have a slight gradient with a hover on action to the button and it works very well and still looks up to today’s design standards. Honestly I would love you to give a shot at those kind of menus.

I also love the new icons/button style in a lot of popular web platforms that is particular to the bootstrap framework, you could see if you can find something interesting here http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/ for example. I think it shouldn’t be used on the main menu, but these buttons usually go very well on specific buttons such as the profile or some action menus (ex: serveme.tf and backpack.tf)

Also after everything is said and done can you guys release a public media pack with a bunch of logos and banners in different sizes as well as the color palettes (ex: http://i.imgur.com/ub9FLyz.png) ?

I’m using font awesome already on most pages.

I could release color palette later when it’s finished.
For now it’s like this:
@gray-darkest: lighten(#000, 5.5%); // #222
@gray-lightest: lighten(#000, 98.5%); // #eee

@blue-plus-30: darken(#3b4d69,25%);
@blue-plus-20: darken(#3b4d69,20%);
@blue-plus-15: darken(#3b4d69,15%);
@blue-plus-10: darken(#3b4d69,10%);
@blue-plus-5: darken(#3b4d69,5%);
@blue: #3b4d69;
@blue-minus-5: lighten(#3b4d69,5%);
@blue-minus-10: #809ab1;

@brand-primary: #428bca;
@brand-success: #5cb85c;
@brand-info: #5bc0de;
@brand-warning: #f0ad4e;
@brand-danger: #d9534f;


Are these fonts better? http://i.imgur.com/892ubpd.png



Quoted from CHERRY

Are these fonts better? http://i.imgur.com/892ubpd.png

I’d say so, yes. A bit cleaner.


Are tables better without centering?



Quoted from CHERRY

Are tables better without centering?




Quoted from CHERRY

Are tables better without centering?


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