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Question about 6v6.

Created 19th October 2013 @ 03:29

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Hello, me with another stupid question,
I’ve recently created a 6v6 team for the upcoming competitions. However, we are looking for a few more people to join our team. My question is how do I add my team to the “Recruitment” tab so people can see our team’s recruitment post along with the others?


Team Admin > Recruitment



You can either follow this link: http://etf2l.org/wp/wp-admin/index.php?page=recruit

Or if you want to do it yourself you can look at the top right hand corner of your screen, click on “Team Admin” and then on the next page, shift your attention to the top left hand corner and click on “Recruitment”. This should bring you to a form that you fill out and submit to create a recruitment post.


Got It, Thanks very much.

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