[ETF2L] Community Quiz with Prizes! - Results in!
Created 2nd October 2013 @ 18:20
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Most of you will have requested an admin at some point during their time at ETF2L. Most probably don’t take too much notice of who answers it…well if you did then this is the quiz for you!
We’re looking for the 15 admins with the most admin requests answered since 07/12/2009 (the very first admin request currently on record). This includes past and current admins. The scoring system will be as follows;
1) 1 point for correctly identifying an admin in the top15
2) 4 points for correctly identifying an admin in the top15, and getting their position within the leaderboard correct also
3) -2 points for listing any admins that are not in the top 15
The scores will be added up for each post by myself, and there are PRIZES! generously donated by some of the admins.
1st – 20 refined + El Jefe + 4 tf2 Steam Cards
2nd – 9 refined + backpack expander + Antlers + 4 ducktales Steam Cards + 4 civ5 Steam Cards
3rd – 5.66 refined + Gym Rat + 3 Torchlight 2 Steam Cards
1) Admins can’t enter for obvious reasons.
2) I have noted the top 15 down as of posting this thread, any requests answered after this post are not counted towards the quiz.
3) Only one post per user, posts on Sunday 13th October will be ignored
4) The answers will be revealed on Sunday 13th October, along with the prizes being given out. All entries before then will be taken into consideration
5) You don’t have to list the full 15, feel free to pick and choose wherever you want!
Good luck!
Last edited by Permzilla,
1. SonnyBlack
2. CanFo
3. SpikeHimself
4. Crasp
5. Buffalo Bill
6. SnowiE
7. Byte
8. ashkan
9. Permzilla
10. huhy
11. DeNeusbeer
12. d2m
13. Admirable
14. Netsky
15. Hildreth
Last edited by Clark,
1. CanFo
2. Crasp
3. SpikeHimself
4. SonnyBlack
5. Buffalo Bill
6. Byte
7. DeNeusbeer
8. SnowiE
9. baerbel
10. permzilla
11. d2m
12. emb
13. Netsky
14. huhy
15. Hildreth
shouldn’t our answers be hidden to prevent people from copying?
Last edited by Kaneco,
Quoted from Kaneco
shouldn’t our answers be hidden to prevent people from copying?
No, otherwise I’d have no chance.
1. SonnyBlack
2. CanFo
3. SpikeHimself
4. Crasp
5. Buffalo Bill
6. SnowiE
7. Byte
8. ashkan
9. Permzilla
10. huhy
11. DeNeusbeer
12. d2m
13. Netsky
14. Admirable
15. Hildreth
Last edited by Cuttlefish,
Quoted from Cuttlefish
No, otherwise I’d have no chance.
Quoted from Kaneco
To be fair I did change around Netsky and Admirable, a draw would be no good for me :(
1. Canfo
2. SonnyBlack
3. Crasp
4. SpikeHimself
5. Buffalo Bill
6. SnowiE
7. DeNeusbeer
8. Byte
9. baerbel
10. permzilla
11. d2m
12. Hildreth
13. emb
14. Netsky
15. ashkan
Last edited by Lokter,
1. Canfo
2. SonnyBlack
3. Crasp
4. SpikeHimself
5. Buffalo Bill
6. Byte
7. Snowie
8. DeNeusbeer
9. baerbel
10. permzilla
11. d2m
12. emb
13. Netsky
14. ashkan
15. Hildreth
Last edited by Thalash,
1. CanFo
2. SonnyBlack
3. Crasp
4. SpikeHimself
5. Buffalo Bill
6. DeNeusbeer
7. Snowie
8. Permzilla
9. Byte
10. Baerbel
11. d2m
12. RaCio
13. Netsky
14. Ashkan
15. emb
Last edited by Inuy,
1. Canfo
2. SonnyBlack
3. Netsky
4. SpikeHimself
5. Permzilla
6. JohnRambo
7. baerbel
8. Buffalo Bill
9. Byte
10. emb
11. Hildreth
12. d2m
13. SnowiE
14. DeNeusbeer
15. ashkan
2.Sonny Black
6.Buffalo Bill
8.Spike Himself
1. CanFo
2. SonnyBlack
3. SpikeHimself
4. Crasp
5. Bufallo Bill
6. Byte
7. SnowiE
8. DeNeusbeer
9. Permzilla
10. d2m
11. Netsky
12. Baerbel
13. Ashkan
14. Hildreth
15. Huhy
1. CanFo
2. SonnyBlack
3. Crasp
4. SpikeHimself
5. Bufallo Bill
6. baerbel
7. SnowiE
8. Byte
9. Ashkan
10. Huhy
11. Netsky
12. DeNeusbeer
13. Permzilla
14. Hildreth
15. d2m
1. CanFo
2. Crasp
3. SonnyBlack
4. SpikeHimself
5. BuffaloBill
6. baerbel
7. Permzilla
8. DeNeusbeer
9. d2m
10. JohnnyBambo
11. ashkan
12. Netsky
13. Hildreth
14. SnowiE
15. Byte
1. CanFo
2. SonnyBlack
3. SpikeHimself
4. Crasp
5. Bufallo Bill
6. baerbel
7. SnowiE
8. Byte
9. Ashkan
10. Netsky
11. Huhy
12. Hildreth
13. Permzilla
14. DeNeusbeer
15. d2m
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