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Stupid Question about My Matches

Created 29th September 2013 @ 02:11

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Hello guys,
I know I am asking a stupid question but I was wondering how to schedule a match and add it to my matches. The FAQ was a bit unclear. I know its stupid, sorry.



you need to be the leader of a team to schedule a match


But how do you schedule it as team leader? What tab do you go to?



You are talking about ETF2L right? You’re not in any teams, and so don’t have any matches….

But, to actually answer your question, top right on any page on this site, team admin, look at the list to the top left, look down to “my matches”.

Spike Himself


This page http://etf2l.org/wp/wp-admin/index.php?page=fix

Exactly that link is also in the FAQ. What part of it is unclear?

I’ve included the whole thing here for convenience:

How To: Schedule a game and add it to Calendar

– All Fixtures of active competitions can be found on your My Matches’ page http://etf2l.org/wp/wp-admin/index.php?page=fix and on your team’s profile.
– By clicking on your opponent’s team name, you will find their contact information.
– If you make an important comment on the match page of a fixture, be sure to click the “challenge” checkbox under the comment field, so the comment will be mailed to the opponent’s leaders.
– Contact your opponent (for example on Steam or through the match page) and agree on a schedule. Be sure you talk about all relevant aspects like date, time, server and mercs. We STRONGLY encourage you to use the comments function on the mMatch pages.
– On the ‘My Matches’ page http://etf2l.org/wp/wp-admin/index.php?page=fix you can add the suggestions for a date and time to play.
– The opposing team leader can accept the date or reject and enter a new date.
– Once accepted, the fixture will be shown at the Calendar. http://etf2l.org/about/calendar
– Schedule and match deadlines will be added to the calendar and announced on the frontpage. Be sure to check regularly and play your games on time.
– If a match is not scheduled at the schedule deadline, the admins will set a default date for most competitions. For tips how to get a more suitable default date if your opponent does not answer to your schedule proposals see this thread: http://etf2l.org/forum/league/topic-18475/

And, as others have pointed out:
– You need to be in a team
– Your team needs to have signed up for a competition
– You need to be leader, deputy or war arranger for your team

Last edited by Spike Himself,



There are no 2v2 competitions currently going on, hence no matches you can schedule.


Well, in that case when is the next 2v2 competition?



whenever someone organized a 2v2 competition.

The ETF2L core competitions are the 6v6 & 9v9 (HL) seasons. Everything else depends on additional organisation.


Is there a link for upcoming events?

Spike Himself


Our calendar can be found here: http://etf2l.org/about/calendar/
And an overview of upcoming events here: http://etf2l.org/about/events/



Quoted from Spike Himself

Our calendar can be found here: http://etf2l.org/about/calendar/
And an overview of upcoming events here: http://etf2l.org/about/events/

Did this always exist? :O

Spike Himself


Quoted from Smyther


Did this always exist? :O

Yes :)


The Calendar mainly consists of ETF2L Matches
Does anyone know of any annual events for 2v2?

Spike Himself


Quoted from Adrenalinz

The Calendar mainly consists of ETF2L Matches
Does anyone know of any annual events for 2v2?

There is no annual event for 2v2, not set in stone anyway.

We may or may not hold a cup in a 2v2 format at some point – that depends entirely on the existence of an admin willing to organise it.

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