Please ban the Medic class
Created 12th July 2013 @ 14:08
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Yes, the medic is “overpowered”, but that’s intentional and not a problem.
Quoted from Permzilla
This is completely sexist, what are all the girls going to play then?!?!
Last edited by Schmuse,
Quoted from Permzilla
This is completely sexist, what are all the girls going to play then?!?!
Quoted from I operate a small 5
b. Both games are played in comp format, what’s not to like.
Competitive Minecraft.
Conclusion: There are not enough cubes in TF2.
Quoted from Setsul
Competitive Minecraft.
Conclusion: There are not enough cubes in TF2.
Way to cmpare a dick and a finger. Comp minecraft (, yes, reddit) features regen, like COD:MW. TF2 and CS have no regen… inless some crutch class or server plugin are involved.
Quoted from Koeitje
Troll level 2/10
I knew some autist with a gabe avatar will come and shit around with a routine (because autism primarily targets creativity) responses and accusations of trolling.
Last edited by I operate a small 5 ,
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