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English forum?

Created 4th May 2013 @ 19:55

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Why etf2l doesn’t have British section? I thought they are considerable portion of the community yet they have to make their retarded topics in general offtopic section… Whats up with that?

The nationality sections are titled “Foreign Languages”

Since British people only speak English or Urdu its a slightly special suggestion



We’re better than other people so we can post where we like.


Quoted from Coleman

We’re better than other people so we can post where we like.



Quoted from Coleman

We’re better than other people so we can post where we like.

except in the foreign language section



Personally I think we should ban all third worlders and become the English Team Fortress 2 League.



Quoted from Serotone

Personally I think we should ban all third worlders and become the English Team Fortress 2 League.

You’d need to ban England just as well. “The empty english tf2 league”.



Quoted from Coleman

We’re better than other people so we can post where we like.



Quoted from Coleman

We’re better than other people so we can post where we like.

A Welshman…saying ‘we’re’… in relation to an English thing!?

Run Coleman, run quickly, your entire neigbourhood will be after you with pitchforks and fires and clubs and general rage and bloodlust.

You have been warned.

yea, contain this sick filth

Quoted from cookye

yea, contain this sick filth



Quoted from Monkeh


A Welshman…saying ‘we’re’… in relation to an English thing!?

Run Coleman, run quickly, your entire neigbourhood will be after you with pitchforks and fires and clubs and general rage and bloodlust.

You have been warned.

Was in relation to a British subsection. I’m proud to be British, my Welsh is alright so i wouldn’t say no to a Welsh subsection either. ;)



I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this but I need help. I have just been kicked from my own team Educated Animals 6on6 by the other leader EDAS Panda he has kicked me because he rages when he doesn’t get his own way. I was just wondering if there was anyway to get back on the team as I own the team or to report Panda maybe? Also I have played in 3 of the officials so far and I was wondering because he has kicked me if we win Div 6 will I get a winners medal or will it just be a participant medal cause I really want the winner medal and we have a really high possibility of winning Div 6. This is one of the reason he has kicked me because he knows how much I want the winners medal and he thinks we can win…. Thanks a lot ~ Slug


Quoted from EDAS Slug

I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this but I need help. I have just been kicked from my own team Educated Animals 6on6 by the other leader EDAS Panda he has kicked me because he rages when he doesn’t get his own way. I was just wondering if there was anyway to get back on the team as I own the team or to report Panda maybe? Also I have played in 3 of the officials so far and I was wondering because he has kicked me if we win Div 6 will I get a winners medal or will it just be a participant medal cause I really want the winner medal and we have a really high possibility of winning Div 6. This is one of the reason he has kicked me because he knows how much I want the winners medal and he thinks we can win…. Thanks a lot ~ Slug





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