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Next Highlander Season Can We Do Without Sandbagging?

Created 22nd January 2012 @ 13:57

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Here’s what seems to have happened a bit: A high level 6’s team decides they want to play in highlander but because LOL NO ONE TAKES HIGHLANDER SERIOUSLY they play in a much lower division than their 6v6. To make this ‘fair’ they offclass and take on some of their lower tier friends… Except when it looks like they might lose a match. Then they field their A team and and all onclass.

This is bad as it takes a massive dump on the heads of any team playing to their level in the lower divisions and trying to improve.



It’s annoying for this to happen, but it’s not exactly something you can enforce easily



Well it happened a bit last season but the way our division structure is set up there isn’t much we can do. If a high level 6v6 team wants to participate and off-class they can do so, we’re not going to stop them just because they won’t take it as seriously as other teams. However as the results of Division 1 and 2 proved – practise + dedication by HL teams was enough to beat these teams not taking HL seriously. Our division placements next season will certainly reflect that but we cannot simply exclude less serious high skilled 6v6 mixes and not mix them in with pure HL focused teams although we will be a lot more firm with scheduling and handling default dates better. If you do get grouped with a team like this I implore you to simply try your best and take what you can out of the game, you might surprise yourselves. ;)

Last edited by Hildreth,

Is this aimed at anyone :P


Quoted from Permzilla

It’s annoying for this to happen, but it’s not exactly something you can enforce easily

You could force people to stay one class for the whole match.



Quoted from atmo


You could force people to stay one class for the whole match.

We’re not going to do this, it causes more problems than it solves.


Quoted from atmo


You could force people to stay one class for the whole match.

atmo strikes again!

bad atmo



Team div2 + chaplain on engie 2strong!

Quoted from lolage

Team div2 + chaplain on engie 2strong!

We only lost games when i wasnt there. Coincidence? I think not! wrangler sniping 2stronk



I understand where your coming from Ruskey but the thing is it can’t be enforced. The problem will always exist. It is frustrating I know of a couple of teams that last season where in div 5 and 6 and should have been up higher in the divs but as it has been said there is nothing you can do to enforce it.

Another way is to do a UGC and open the divs and do seeding after a couple of weeks then forcing teams to play well and not sandbag if they wish to win something but unfortunately this isn’t the way ETF2L operate as its a different league :D

But I think its just one of those things that will always exist.


(Toucan Ambassador)

Less sandbagging, more teabagging.

Quoted from Admirable

Less sandbagging, more teabagging.

You are reading my mind.



We put Agron on Engie he lost us gravel pit damn you Agron.

Highlander is a tricky one to judge skill as most teams have almost zero tactics (I know we didn’t have any) we just death matched every game.. and the teams that seem to are in the top div haha..

Think admins did best they could to divide the skill, can guess dealing with teams with 9+ people is hard to determine a true skill level.



Quoted from Jazz

Another way is to do a UGC and open the divs and do seeding after a couple of weeks then forcing teams to play well and not sandbag if they wish to win something

In soviet russia such methods are called dancing with tambourins. Also +1 for teabagging.

Swedish Santa


Hmm. When we were div6, our team got into div 5 highlander just to be sure we wouldn’t stomp. We did stomp every team except one, who was very equal to skill.

I think many look lower divs just to be sure not to loose but I also think its because they (as my older team) didn’t know any better. If we knew we should have applied for div4 to meet teams that were equal to our skill, we would have done that. There should be instructions on which div a team should apply.

Last edited by Swedish Santa,

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