Possible servers offered for public ETF2l match use
Created 17th December 2011 @ 16:31
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I got into ETF2l for the last 6vs6 and highlander seasons and have enjoyed it immensely. Combine this with my general interest in server admin, and I have an plan, but want feedback (though it may be obvious!)
I’m considering setting up a dedicated server and as part of that I’d have a lot of resources left over, so was considering setting up some dedicated TF2 servers for ETF2L usage. Servers would be in Europe.
The basic idea is to offer these servers out for any teams to use free of charge (I have the server anyway, so I’d rather they were utilised than sat idle). Some sort of rudimentary booking system so usage is shared fairly. Just wanted to know if people would think this is a good/bad idea, and if there were any suggestions on things to put on the server? I’ve been hosting a server our team uses occasionally for the highlander season but this would be my first steps into multi-server hosting, with possibly more admins than just myself and a select few friends.
Feel free to add me on steam (foxy_dave) if you’re particularly interested in this for your team or want to discuss directly with me.
Cheers :)
Last edited by foxy_dave,
A lot of teams have their own match server (6v6) but I definitely think the highlander teams will find this of use as a lot of them don’t.
You can probably keep it organised by some sort of google calendar etc. probably wouldn’t be too difficult.
Primarily just needs all the league configs on and all the possible maps.
Maybe some inspiration from the HCC:
Things like this are common in CS.
Create a bot that will stay on #etf2l IRC, where people can !rent server1/2/3 ETC, for an hour and a half.
!done if you finished your match before time is up.
A waiting list so its fair.
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