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New players/teams - we need to do more!

Created 28th June 2011 @ 17:08

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Quoted from WARHURYEAH

I’ve managed my team for 2+ years and I’m mentally retarded.

I find it very hard to believe that there are people more dumb than me.

To be honest, of all the ideas mentioned that are great, I think this is pretty much the case. It really is not remotely difficult to contact another team and organise a date. It’s a laziness thing that gets people used to not having to do stuff, rather than something that’s actually beneficial to the scene.

I think the problem with a lot of the ideas that are coming up is they aren’t actually helpful, so much as just ways baby people into the scene. You don’t want to drag people in, you just want to lower the barrier for entry so that the people who are interested and want to take the initiative, can do so more easily.



managing/being leader of a team in div3+ = easy as fuck

managing/being leader of a team in div5 and below = suicidal.

Quoted from rtan

managing/being leader of a team in div3+ = easy as fuck

managing/being leader of a team in div5 and below = suicidal.




Quoted from Skyride


To be honest, of all the ideas mentioned that are great, I think this is pretty much the case. It really is not remotely difficult to contact another team and organise a date. It’s a laziness thing that gets people used to not having to do stuff, rather than something that’s actually beneficial to the scene.

It isn’t difficult to do what you mention but when it comes to organizing practises, players on your team, motivating people…etc as an individual (not even going to mention trialing process) and put all that effort in only to see half your team loses interest and you have to reform or find new people then that is difficult. Trust me I have had a lot of issues over the time I ran LTG and it can get very stressful. For a new player in Division 6 you might have all the motivation in the world for a few weeks then you encounter these issues and you lose motivation because of the effort of ‘running’ a team so you fold and go looking for a team which is really hard.

To me there is a lack of ‘managers’ for teams, especially coming into competitive. As you say Skyride if 1 person out of 7 or 8 decides they got the effort to run a team then we would see a lot more teams and as a result a lot more players in our community.


Hello, I’m a former competitive COD 4 player and I’ve been looking for a new game for about a year. I’m an FPS gamer at heart so I find TF2 to be a great game. My team jumped the opportunity to play TF2 when it became free a couple of days ago. My experience of the game so far has been great. I love the jumping, shooting and – well – everything about it! It reminds me of the good ol’ Quake days. The game definitely has a huge chance of becoming multiplying its competitive player base if the community plays its cards right.

Anyways, I’ve got a question regarding ladders and cups in TF2. Is there a competitive ladder in TF2 where I can mass ladder games with my team to practice against other teams (much like Clanbase)?

And are there any one-day-cups in TF2, and if so, where?



Quoted from ingvarb

Hello, I’m a former competitive COD 4 player and I’ve been looking for a new game for about a year. I’m an FPS gamer at heart so I find TF2 to be a great game. My team jumped the opportunity to play TF2 when it became free a couple of days ago. My experience of the game so far has been great. I love the jumping, shooting and – well – everything about it! It reminds me of the good ol’ Quake days. The game definitely has a huge chance of becoming multiplying its competitive player base if the community plays its cards right.

Anyways, I’ve got a question regarding ladders and cups in TF2. Is there a competitive ladder in TF2 where I can mass ladder games with my team to practice against other teams (much like Clanbase)?

And are there any one-day-cups in TF2, and if so, where?

most of the “one day cups” are held here on etf2l, keep your eyes on the front page for more of those or over at esportsheaven where they hold some here and there.

As for ladders the only 6v6 ladder is the ETF2L one which is really inactive, unfortunately.

Good luck and welcome to TF2!


Quoted from ingvarb

Hello, I’m a former competitive COD 4 player and I’ve been looking for a new game for about a year. I’m an FPS gamer at heart so I find TF2 to be a great game. My team jumped the opportunity to play TF2 when it became free a couple of days ago. My experience of the game so far has been great. I love the jumping, shooting and – well – everything about it! It reminds me of the good ol’ Quake days. The game definitely has a huge chance of becoming multiplying its competitive player base if the community plays its cards right.

Anyways, I’ve got a question regarding ladders and cups in TF2. Is there a competitive ladder in TF2 where I can mass ladder games with my team to practice against other teams (much like Clanbase)?

And are there any one-day-cups in TF2, and if so, where?

On the topic of the ladder, it went inactive, but Spike Himself was afaik looking top get it relaunched with new rules (it had dumb ones like a team losing its place on the ladder if it didnt play a match in 2 weeks or something). Anyway, Spike is now an admin, sooo….



Quoted from Pynklùùùnningen





Quoted from Pynklùùùnningen



The only thing I did when I was in vye was that I typed 20 and 21 at #tf2.europe and clicked that magic button ‘join league’. It isn’t that hard, right?


Quoted from ingvarb

I’m an FPS gamer at heart so I find TF2 to be a great game. My team jumped the opportunity to play TF2 when it became free a couple of days ago.

There is nothing like clanbase (which is insane), “scene” is pretty much snotty kids on this forum and #tf2.europe which makes it pretty pathetic to be honest. Overall, it needs a restart to get sorted properly.

If you want to go through the hassle, please do.



Quoted from gryzor

There is nothing like clanbase (which is insane), “scene” is pretty much snotty kids on this forum and #tf2.europe which makes it pretty pathetic to be honest. Overall, it needs a restart to get sorted properly.

If you want to go through the hassle, please do.

Ignore this dude, he is our resident troll, pretty much everyone ignores him.

Check out this thread, it should be a good start: http://etf2l.org/forum/league/topic-12510/?recent=274229 . ETF2L is bassically the main center for comp TF2 in europe.

kinda sad considering the less than exuberant activity






Quoted from Jammi

Just create a second account if its allowed in etf2l.

Its not. But I can mentor a bunch of newbees if you also agree to play @ esl :P


just curious: approx. how many players came to competitive scene after update and how many will come? It might be worth to make etf2l mentor forum where would be a list of volunteers that are willing to help new teams/players. I could help with that as I was mentoring everyone who asked for it.

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