The Poetry of ETF2L
Created 28th July 2010 @ 18:02
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Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
In Soviet Russia,
Poem write you.
Quoted from f0rce
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
In Soviet Russia,
Poem write you.
My Dalokoh Bar, my Dalokoh Bar,
My Dalokoh Bar, gets me extra far,
My Dalokoh Bar, my Dalokoh Bar,
My Dalokoh Bar, gets me extra far,
My poetry is more organic than fair trade garden peas.
gravelpate wins
Haven’t written a poem in years but this is something i just threw together. The rhymes and use of words are pretty bad tho. :D
Fanva – From my heart
TF2 is awesome
TF2 is great
12 at a time
Dont fall behind
ETF2L is awesome
ETF2L is great
Too bad so many cocks
Are being fucking nuts
This community was awesome
This community was great
Then something happened
I dont know what
Some shit started festering
And ate away it all
Now we’re stuck with some people
Flaming fuck all
Was it the kids?
Was it us all?
No matter what it was
It has to fucking stop
great thing about poetry is that it doesn’t need to rhyme, or have any rhythm :]
Tell me
Soldier blue
Why is you
All red
Is it blood
That brings out the blues?
Soldier blue
How do you do?
Are you doing
What you were trained to do?
Are you red or are you blue?
To which, soldier blue
Are you most true?
Quoted from nophantasy
gravelpate wins
))) ))))
)) )))
(( (((?
((! (((((
)))) ))
)))…? ))))!!
ed: lamentov wins
Last edited by @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@,
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Kaidus and swifty,
Killed TF2.
Quoted from Shintaz
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Kaidus and swifty,
Killed TF2.
ur not a Gangsta, you just in denile!!!! I AINT EMINEM BUT I STILL GOT YOU BEAT BY 8 MILE!!!
YO i ant never scared and thats A FACT!!! homie ive been beatin up engys like you since i was in my daddy’s sack!!!
Quoted from Shintaz
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Kaidus and swifty,
Killed TF2.
haha man this is good
Engineers are red
Snipers are blu
that is the nature
of public TF2
Last edited by Herr Braffle,
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