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General ETF2L

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Topic Posts Views Last Action
Engineer looking for a team. 3 1,426 Chilly_
S20 swiss system matchmaking, mistakes? 21 3,126 san alex
[PSA] Week 2 fixtures *were faulty and *have been remade 2 1,281 emb
When will the highlander open 2014 medals be recieved? 6 1,578 Joshi
Lethal Weapon Folding? Click to read more. 26 5,698 WML
LAWL NICE TIERS 98 18,505 Hallow
Why Does GC Rule Still Exist? 25 3,803 Admirable
Match hasn't been accounted for yet 6 1,386 Selek
Unsure about rules of subs 4 1,102 ondkaja
ETF2L Entry Fee 34 5,454 b33p
. 17 2,895 lexs
ETF2L Redirection 27 5,175 Hergan
Alternative Donator Perks For Sites/Communities 15 2,123 Hallow
Do we use our own items or default? 6 1,479 GriffinGamingXP
S20 is 'community funded'*, why not ask community websites to sponsor ETF2L!? 72 10,926 CHERRY
WHO WILL DIVS S7 270 51,224 MARS^
How do we signup? 2 956 kKaltUu
Help spread the word about Season 20 28 5,147 Hildreth
Confused with Dashboard 3 1,542 FiveSeven
S7 divisions with oldschool div sizes. 27 4,010 rockie
Our community has changed. 20 5,704 CHERRY
Sorry confused, what's a demo 5 1,621 CanFo
Happy New Year! 6 1,647 Elite
Why don't we have 4v4 on ETF2L? 25 4,293 Collaide
tournaments please? 29 4,519 Mother Tereza
Experimental Cup 6v6 HL style 7 1,494 BUICK
Roster lock season 19 2 1,387 retz
CUP IDEA: An open whitelist, team chosen maps and no classlimits cup. 38 7,441 ash
etf2l pub server 83 12,453 irfx
FAO: somebody, I forgot who 6 1,489 Henghast

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