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i61 represents the 10 year anniversary of TF2

Created 7th July 2017 @ 03:24

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How is nobody talking about this!? :D

TF2 was released on 10th October 2007. Insomnia61 is 25th-28th August 2017.


Last edited by nvc,



Because its a 1 and a half month difference. And there is no real hype for the anniversary tbh. It just kinda shows how old the game already is. If anything I would expect there to be more hype for the update that valve has been working on.
There are other events closer to the actual birthday as well.

If you want to generate hype for it as a TF2 Birthday event bring up the history of it as most of the current players dont have any clue what happened or who even played in the older Insomnia tournaments.

Edit. – Earliest Insomnia that had tf2 was i32 from 2007-11-09 – 2007-11-12
The total of insomnia tf2 events was 23.

More info can be found here: http://comp.tf/wiki/Insomnia_Gaming_Festival

Last edited by Aoshi,


Valve forgot HL2’s 10th birthday






10th October
25th August
do you think these are the same dates


Quoted from bum

10th October
25th August
do you think these are the same dates

I think they’re close enough to make i61 TF2’s spiritual 10 year anniversary event yes.

Last edited by nvc,


Quoted from bum

10th October
25th August
do you think these are the same dates

24th August is Original Team Fortress’s birthday.

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