DeutschLAN 2016: Announcement + Main thread!
Created 9th March 2016 @ 15:05
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Heyya, everyone!
As it said in my tweet earlier today, 4 teams already signed up within the first couple of days.
I figured I would ticker the most recent signups so everyone knows at all times how many spots are left.
DeutschLAN 2016 (4/12 spots taken)
– Doctors Of Mediocrity
– LOL Germans
– maLANhoeloe
– Team Nein!
Furthermore, Highpander (or LANpander?) seems to have a roster almost ready to go, so expect Hildreth and Co to join the list soon!
I am also updating the list on our website:
Huge shoutout to Russian Guyovich, who is the first one to donate to our DeutschLAN 2016 PayPal. You can find a list of all our donators here:
In case you want to follow Guyovich’s lead, send your donation to [email protected].
Love, Stinson_Out
Last edited by DCS,
Pls dear teams who want to join. make it an uneven number, so the doctors of mediocrity can continue their streak of being mediocore and get a placement right in the middle of the field.
Cheers, Atzebumm, Placed 5th out of 9 teams @DeutschLAN15
Edit: placed 5th out of 9 teams with a score of 4 wins and 4 losses @DeutschLAN 2015
If your are gonna be mediocre, be it thru and thru :D
How many teams signed up so far? Still those 4?
Last edited by Bloodyyy,
Quoted from Era
We signed up like 2 days ago
oida wow
Quoted from Pete_
und weida?
fett oafach
Quoted from DCS
DeutschLAN 2016 (4/12 spots taken)
Doctors Of Mediocrity
–LOL Germans
–Iro and 8
Yooo… People demanded an updated signup list so here we go:
DeutschLAN 2016 (7/12 spots taken):
– Strong Opinions
– Doctors Of Mediocrity
– LOL Germans
– maLANhoeloe
– Team Nein!
– RIP Harambe
– Iro and 8
I am also updating the list on our website:
Word on the street is that Fair Enough with a LAN-mix and
The Bureau without Miknando will also sign up for LAN.
But we have not gotten a singup form from those two, so these are just rumours at this point.
Also planning to set up 1-2 nice showmatches in order to motivate people to donate to DeutschLAN.
At this point, shoutout to the most recent donators to our DeutschLAN 2016 PayPal:
Via, chan, Chee (don’t know online name, your steam URL doesnt work), Koi and fendermcbender!!
You can find a list of all our donators here:
In case you want to follow their lead, send your donation to [email protected].
So excited to meet ya´ll (again)!
Last edited by DCS,
Can I sign as mascot?
Quoted from Blooddrunk
Can I sign as mascot?
Just get a team and play :P
Cheers to Danke Fler!/Caprisonnengang for being one of the few returning teams (so far) o/
Can someone that is coming from switzerland/southeast france or austria that can drive me to lan and back? I can pay for the gas. pls add
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