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GA'lloween 2014 8-9 Nov France

Created 5th September 2014 @ 19:19

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So apparently nobody outside the french community is bothered to tell that we do have a LAN circuit with 3 steps each year

First step, GA’lloween.

Powered by Futurolan, the same association that does Gamers Assembly in April.

When : 8-9 Nov
Where : Saint-Benoit (near Poitiers) : see this map
How to go : either by car, train or plane. Easiest is to reach Paris or Lyon and then either use train or carpooling with frenchies.
How much : 15€/ person (Bring Your Own Computer obviously), possibility to be housed in the nearby gymnasium for free if you bring a sleeping bag.

So as all the french LANs, GA’lloween is mostly a fun event. Don’t expect to win anything worthy, players come to drink/see each other/have fun. Expect about 8 to 12 teams to show up.

So yeah, any euros interested? The LAN itself is so cheap it’s a really good opportunity to gather euro TF2 players besides i-summer.

I have some euro friends that would like to attend around div 3/4, if you are interested just add me. I can also provide at least one carpooling spot from paris.

Last edited by Twiggy,



why can’t i hold all these lans


(ETF2L Donator)

any computer rentals? either by the organizers or something close



Quoted from toogyboogy

any computer rentals? either by the organizers or something close

Actually, you can rend LCD Asus 19″ Screen for 15€.

But we don’t have any information concerning PC rentals.

Now, we have 8 teams listed on the website.

We need more slots for Team Fortress 2, so if some europeans teams are interested by this cheapest french LAN, you can create your team on the Ga’lloween website.



Thanks for all 12 french teams, we have a full TF2 tournament.

You can find the lines-ups here: http://www.gamers-assembly.net/fr/tournament/gaq2014-team-fortress-2

If you want to see Pognon with a witch hat, check this video: http://youtu.be/5RUTv7eHby0

Last edited by fmapkmn,



Jipse, a french moviemaker publish the GA’lloween fragmovie (a little Gamers Assembly in November).
The editing is not excellent, the frags are correct but Jipse want to describe the french LAN atmosphere.


As a reminder, the Gamers Assembly is the biggest LAN in France with more 12 games at the beggining of April.
If you want more informations, please feel free to post your questions in the following topic: http://etf2l.org/forum/lan/topic-30886/

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