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LAN Thanks Thread

Created 25th August 2014 @ 15:32

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Thanks to everyone who I spoke to, played with or had a drink with. Especially all the people in the rows around me Fat Doobie, Dogs.tf and Lads.

Sorry to the people I didn’t say good bye to properly I almost missed my train =D



This LAN has been an awesome experience! I really hope I can attend next year, and that all of you will be there as well! TF2 isn’t going to die anytime soon, the EU vs. NA competition is a best of 5!

Thanks to
– alba, Dennia, Smirre, cAPS, vani for being awesome teammates throughout LAN.
– Hallow for being good company on the way to and from LAN
– Rest of the Swedish community (Zebbosai, Knutsson, Herr P, Fanva, Villdjack, Khazul, bijlol sorry if I forgot someone)
– Ally, Coleman, Shintaz for hyping the last of the lower bracket matches.
– Stark & Sideshow for the bets
– Grenjabob for the talk & coke
– FIR for being the awesome
– Mix^, 4G and iM for travelling here and showing a great performance
– Nymthae, SnowiE and rest of Multiplay for arranging this
– All the casters and production crew
– gigs for introducing me to people he already introduced me to five times already
– Mirelin, Kaidus, Zappis, Mike, Mitsy, Clive, e-thug, Ace, Kermit, kos, Permzilla, Hawku, smzi, Rising, huhy, Kanye Blessed, Alfie
– Everyone else I talked with
– Everyone else I forgot
– Broiler and Heny from Publiclir
– QPAD, Swedishhost, ADMAX, Volt Cola, Max FPS, Oddwolf

See you at i55.


(Cat Enthusiast)

Big thanks to Qnai for letting us sleep on her hotel floor <3 Really saved our asses from sleeping in a park bench somewhere in Coventry (or Hildreth's bed)

Thank you KKaltuu for the waffles. Shoutout to Grenja, Hildreth, Foxy, Vani, Canfo, Ruskeydoo, Gubbins, Worms, CommanderX and Eepily who is in my Psychology class and I had no idea he plays competitive TF2. Anyone who I bumped into at lan that I missed out, Im sorry xoxo

No thanks to Multiplay and the event staff for not letting spectator tickets chill with all the cool folks inside the gaming hall :



big shoutout to hawku for dropping like £50 on jaeger for everyone on friday night and shoutout to everyone else i met. Best lan.

Last edited by Reservoir Dog,


(ETF2L Donator)
UbeR |
Fe |

Endless thanks to the production team! Viewing the event from home might have been far from as awesome as attending, but it sure as hell came close with such a wonderfully professional presentation.

Special thanks to Arie for his continuous involvement and support of the TF2 scene. It blows your mind when you think of all the things this man has done for comp TF2. Just needed to say that.



This is going to be a long one as I cannot keep it in me to be concise, thank you everyone I met at lan for making my first a very enjoyable one with some amazing games, and even more amazing people! Sure I will forget some names and for that I apolagise, everyone I spoke to deserves a thank you for being part of the all important lan experience.

I’m thanking my fronds, Gubbins, Alex, Omni, eepily, and CeeGee (an babe) <3 u guys

To my all important mumble peeps, Toot, Byte, CVM, Clive, Lokter was amazing being able to see your beautiful faces <3

Thanks for those who took part in my lan team and sorry I spent most of the proceedings a little intoxicated, was fun playing with you guys! This being R.E.M, Foungi, Sneakeh, Calump, Squirrel and our sub Lardy.

Guys I met through the notorious (and slightly aids) doublemixes – Alfie, Nuze, Phea, Cow, Zesty, Moursi, Maks, Pennyfarming, Turbo, Spudd, Kermit, Henghast, and Luke always nice to be able to meet irl

Thank you Kaidus for that great show of highlander medic play ;D

Not to forget Amarinder, Permzilla, Fanva, Zero, Hildreth, Tweak, Loris, Smzii, Huhy and whoever else I spoke to

Was lovely finally meeting so many online friends and I am already looking forward to future lan events :)

Last edited by Lux,

Thanks to the following:
Alfie – You kept your pc unlocked constantly, which gave me great pleasure in messing with. Just wait until you find the pictures I added.
Alfie’s Team – For letting me do the above.
Cam – Stop being such a tryhard shit and wrecking me as scout. Play better Shmups.
Doublemixers – For letting me wreck you. I didn’t even get fatkidded some times even though I haven’t played this game in so long.
Fir – Saving the Lan team by joining at the last moment.
Honeybadger & Greg – Team Bell lives on even if we’ve all quit TF2. Playing doublemixes by switching every life should be mandatory from now on. Greg is fat, HB is qt. Please don’t show up at 6-7 PM next time.
Kasdeus – Hadn’t met him before lan, greatly increased the fun in doublemixes by volunteering to go medic. (This is good since I have the reactions times of a tree.)
(#unban) Pennyfarming – He’s literally a shy anime girl in real life, he came to play videogames and did so, this time with very few people showing up and asking if he was Pennyfarming. And barely missed much of the final this year.
Pennyfarming’s Dad – What a guy.
Shizao & Rinta – This is why you should sit next to a stranger at lan, you get random people at every event that are great to talk to.
Shrike – I sat beside him for a bunch of his knockout games and he didn’t seem to mind, especially when I laughed when he fucked up.
Spudd – For being a normie and not knowing how to fix your computer.
Turbomonkey – For manhandling me at every opportunity.
Vani – Saved lan for me with a mousepad and played Street Fighter with me. Bison is still fucking bullshit though.
Vani’s friends – For taking the piss out of Vani on the way to Burger King and Tesco, it’s nice to see he gets mocked by others.
The admin side of things – Good job folks, but you still need to give Penny his log.
Anyone else – If I haven’t mentioned you, then you probably did something but it’s late at night and I’m just back from work, come on.

dis – lan dodging again. We’ll sleep together again my qt.



Thanks to the nervous energy nerds, spent the whole lan with you guys and it was enjoyable.
Thanks to Turbo, Spudd, Penny, Luke and Shrike for getting me to play for them last minute which was again enjoyable.
Thanks to FIR for being a bro in every possible way aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand thanks to Fanva for turning up and coming to say hi, even if it was short :P


(ETF2L Donator)

I’m not going to name everybody, because I honestly loved everybody there. I had the time of my life – I swear TF2 has the best fucking community ever.

Special thanks though go to the people who genuinely have really helped me out this lan.
First off, Timon, this guy is the best. He put up so many people in his house, trusted us not to fuck stuff up while he left us alone, fed us, drove us everywhere. He even put me and Mirelin up last minute without hesitation. Big LAN MVP.
Thanks to the people who put up with me being a drunken/disorganised mess. If you need a new mousemat then ask me ethug, and if you ever want a lift again just ask me kos or stark :D

Thanks to the production team for being amazing, volunteering your time and effort, casting every game and making the event so well hyped and covered. Special thanks to the non-euros who came over: dashner (such a lovely genuine guy), lange (rip casting with you, I will some day!) and tagg.

Huge props to the Americans and Aussies for coming over, I’m so glad you guys are willing to do that because it transforms these LANs into a great spectacle of TF2 and excitement as well as being a great place to meet the best people. Brandon you are the fucking nicest guy ever, and I am now a huge shade fan as well. Along with being the owner of a somewhat mangled blazetato. And a lansky-branded monitor. Shoutout to termo as well for being a great guy to chat to.

Thanks to the people who I played flip cup with because that was 2 amazing drinking nights, haven’t had as much fun drinking in months.

Thanks to the people that I: played with, talked shit with, made tents with, drank with, recorded, told me my lens cap was on, built pizza towers with, got photo’d with, spotted for as they benched WAR, did lan bets with, met for the first time, and met again from previous lans.

What an event. I haven’t even left Coventry yet.



Insomnia 52, what an event! I will start by saying that I am extremely appreciative of one specific person for making it possible for both me and my wife to get to Coventry and be part of the event as well as have access to the backstage.

Having just moved to the UK just over a year and a half ago I finally had the chance to spend some quality time with some of the people I met or played throughout the years and man, what a dream it was. Being able to be part of TF2s biggest event is everything I could had hoped for, seeing the Americans, the Australians and of course all the Europeans.

There are a whole lot of people that I want to mention, and I really honestly hope I don’t forget anyone, and If I do, please don’t be upset.

Byte – If it wasn’t for you, both I and the wifey wouldn’t even be able to go to i52, I have the most respect for you for being able to pull of everything you did for so many years, it is time for you to move on, but it will be a massive loss that hopefully no one will forget!

Arie, Dashner, Lange, David, Bones, Tagg, Bluee, Atmo, Ally, Ryushi – For taking the whole entire event to the next level, not only was the production way above anything that I had ever seen, but they did it without asking for anything. The humblest of people that had nothing to eat for hours but stayed just as strong making sure that everything was going according to the plan, making it single handily the best production ever for TF2.

Casting Crew – You guys were the face of the TF2 event, even more so on the stream. You guys gave everything you had, and on Saturday evening even though everyone was literally dead at 1 am, you guys still put on a show for the golden cap.

Admirable – Gosh, you are the man, there never was and there will never be anyone like yourself not just on TF2 but anywhere. You are the funniest character ever, and I had a whole lot of fun with conversation we had.

CommanderX – One of the nicest people on the event, got caught out when I introduced myself to him, still not entirely sure if he recognized me but still treated me as if he had known me for years.

Arx – Watched an entire game with me and was doing partial commentary, didn’t know me at all, but still talked to me as if he had known me for years.

Hildreth – Man, you are the funniest drunk alive, I will always remember pissing off telling me you were gonna go to the bathroom and five minutes later coming to me with a jaggerbomb for me to drink. This man not only dropped us off to the lan every single morning, but on the last day took us to the Coach station to make sure we would arrive on time. You are one of the kindest people on TF2.

Canfo – Again, one of the kindest people on the event, he talked to me as if we had been friends for years, he remembered times we scrimmed against each other as well as times we had worked together.. some which i didn’t even remember myself.

Lange, Tagg – For having the most American argument possible, that Pizza shouldn’t of had had corn. Corn belongs to BBQs says Lange with the most Americanised accent possible.

Lansky – My favourite player of the entire event, didn’t know me out of nowhere but invited me to watch iM with him. Hope those custard creams helped you buddy.

Fanva – haha what a character, he is a lovely guy and someone I wish I had met a long time ago when he was active on the community.

Sideshow – Epsilooon, the biggest fan of Mike and the biggest hater of War.

Mike, Warhuryeah, Kiler4fun, Bash – Extremely cool group of people, it was especially great to meet someone that I had played with for so many years.

Seagull – The kindest American I have ever met in my life, and a genuinely humble person as far as I can tell. He will always be the best roamer in my eyes.

Huhy – Just as nice as the person i have known for years online. Sat next to me through the finals and guided me through what was happening.

Zebbosai, Knuttson, Zappis – Extremely nice bunch of guys, met them in the last few minutes before I left the coach station of Coventry. I knew that voice out of somewhere, and obviously it was Zebbo. Hope you guys arrived alright!

All in all, the entire event was everything i had hoped it would be. Absolutely no one knows how great our community is, and the passion some of the people have for the game. Everything gave everything they had to make the event as memorable as possible I will never forget it myself. Thank you for making it to i52.

Last edited by Vaskie,


(ETF2L Donator)

also thanks to sam for setting up my monitor :’)



Thanks to everyone who got fkn layered with me. Thank you to all the invite teams who had to put up with our shit. Thanks luke for the continuation of sexy gamers.

And to Ayogurl, may the legend live on.



okay, I got a big thanks coming up

I had 2 of the worst days leading up to i52 because of poor foresight and the stupid tournament schedule. Ontop of that, sunday tickets were sold out. With that, thanks to (in no particular order and probably leaving out some very important people > _>)

Byte: For making my week, weekend and day. Without you, I would have had an utterly horrible weekend. Thanks to you, I had one of the best days in months. I don’t think I made it clear enough how much you helped me out there.

Ruskeydoo, for being amazing as always, inviting me over to Kritzkast and driving us back to the hotel. That helped us out so much, you don’t even believe it.

Tangopopper and + _____+ aka Cap’n Rainbows aka James: for being generally amazing and picking me and my company up, forging contingency plans. Too bad we couldn’t get a game going. I’ll make it up to you!

Tempest, for allowing me on the kast again and for the test game invitation.

Agro, also for the kast and for the very nice words. That podcast was so much fun.

Enigma: for being very patient while I sorted out all the cards and contacting byte; again, you don’t know how much I appreciated that.

Squid, for not minding me usurping your seat and PC.

Harbleu, for taking care of Squid in the meantime.

Tagg: for actually recognising me and the follow-up brofist. Didn’t really expect people remembering me from last time.

Commander X, for the drink and the amazing conversation; thanks to Lisa as well! Wish we would have had more time.

Arx, for the amazing insights you offered. You’re mesmerising to listen to.

smirre, for taking so much interest in my card game, sorry, man, I couldn’t find you afterwards! I’m glad I did get your signature when I had the chance.

I’m missing out on all the people who organised the event (arie, Lange and friends). I was in such a rush the entire time, I barely got enough time to talk to the people I did get the chance to talk to but from what I saw, you did a job words like amazing and fantastic can’t do justice.

Also, thanks to everyone taking some time to actually sign my silly cards http://i.imgur.com/epXtx3B.jpg . You made me a very happy nerd (again).

Lastly, again, Byte, thanks, really.

Spike Himself


Thanks to everyone I met and didn’t meet.

Special shoutout to Mirelin who as it turns out is actually quite a nice lad, despite his misunderstanding of something I may or may not have said regarding openplugin :D

Also TurboTabs for nearly breaking my back.

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