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+2 for i47

Created 13th November 2012 @ 15:47

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I know we have posted in the official mix/mercs thread but seeing as there is little interest in there I thought I would make a separate post. Apologies.

TC have 4 paid up LAN attendees looking for 2 more (preferably a soldier and a demo) for our LAN team. We are literally the only team signed up at the moment although we know a couple others will sign up soon.

Basically its (near) guaranteed prize money, what is there to lose?

Add me on steam


I am going to i47 on my lonesome. Id like to play in a team. Chin wag when possible.


Just 1 more needed, looks like near to guaranteed prize pool money at the moment.

We can help provide cheap accommodation and I’m sure one of us will be going your way if you need a lift.



added you on steam mate, im going, I have a spec ticket at the moment, will upgrade to BYOC if you dont mind my div6 ass on your team. I play roamer atm

Last edited by Rob!,



Was this like the guaranteed money you all went for from that silly game???

Also I am going to come and get you all drunk the night before. You will be in bits.

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