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Created 24th August 2012 @ 01:42

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I need Shrike’s number, he wants me to pick him up from the airport tomorrow but I don’t have his number, nor has he spoken to me at all.

Also Shrike if you read this, it will probably cost you less to get a train than it will for me to drive to get you.

That’s because you were offline on steam whole day yesterday. Get on and I’ll give you his number, he already left for the flight.



Quoted from Datenshi

That’s because you were offline on steam whole day yesterday. Get on and I’ll give you his number, he already left for the flight.

Just post it here to make sure. I won’t sign him up to cat facts.

Yeah sure let me just post his mom’s phone that he is using at lan here!

In other news: my passport arrived so I’M GOING TO LAN WHOOOOOO!!



Quoted from Datenshi

Yeah sure let me just post his mom’s phone that he is using at lan here!

In other news: my passport arrived so I’M GOING TO LAN WHOOOOOO!!

thank fuck for that, cu@

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