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Any tips for carrying PC to LAN?

Created 18th August 2012 @ 03:44

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(Cat Enthusiast)

With i46 coming up next week, I’m faced with the dilemma of how the fuck am I bringing this shit there. Luckily, I’m getting a lift so I don’t have to drag my PC through train station after train station but I have no experience in packing big electronics and I also have no common sense.

First of all, I don’t want to disassemble anything. Chances are, if I pull something out, something will go wrong and I won’t be able to put it back in, so no PC-in-a-box for me. What I have in mind is to put it in my luggage. It’s not those kind of shock-proof plastic kind of luggage. It’s quite thin with minimal padding.

I’m thinking of wrapping it in bubble wrap and then covering the spaces with towels. If everything works well, the most stress it’ll have to face is a pothole or two on the way to lan. I have the original box for my monitor along with the padding so that should be alright.

So how did you get your PC to lan?



I put the PC in the boot, put a towel over it, slot the monitor on top and put another towel over it. Other shit in the boot stops it sliding. Between lans and travelling back and fourth to uni, done about 5000 miles of this and never had a problem.


well original boxes wherever possible. The one thing I have to insist on is if you have a big and heavy after market CPU cooler, those things can and will crack motherboards if there is too much bouncing around. Most are not too hard to remove the big heavy part, just do that and you will be happy. (though I guess if you go through that effort, might as well take out the video card and HDD too). If you are really really set on not removing everything, just make sure the case is super secure and try to put it in a space where it doesn’t move around, surround it with a pillow or squeezed in the boot as best you can. So long as everything in your case is properly screwed down and built correctly, you shouldn’t get any moving around. I go to tons of local lans and this is how most people arrive with their gear (I personally just put it all in my original box)



As Kaidus said, just put it in the boot with a bit of padding and use other items to stop it moving about too much, I’ve gone back and forth to uni without issue, or you could put it on the back seat in the same way.



Drive really carefully, no hard breaking. Gaming pc’s are temperamental beasts with all the parts just waiting to fail.

If you are ultra paranoid you can take out the gpu and take it separately. Don’t leave it in direct sunlight either. All this stuff will shorten the life span.



Don’t drop it.


RaWr ::

I have always put my tower behind my car seat, never any issues with it moving or sliding.

Monitor usually in box if possible, if not then it’s a towel job :)





pls give adviced how to transport it when you fly to england. I´m afraid of opening the case and put stuff in it / towels / clothing and then lose my warranty.



First time in many lans ive actually got a lift! But I ussaly just roll with a sack truck, put everything in the origonal boxs and use bungee cords to secure everything, takes a shit load of effort but worth it in the end :D


(Cat Enthusiast)

Quoted from beta

I have always put my tower behind my car seat, never any issues with it moving or sliding.

Monitor usually in box if possible, if not then it’s a towel job :)

It’s a full ride so I can’t do that :(

Thanks for the feedback guys. Looks like I don’t have to buy a fancy suitcase after all


I just put mine in the wheelie suitcase with the rest of my stuff, if you don’t jar it around and stuff it should be fine. Better be careful to clean the PC first so you don’t get dusty clothes :<


Had mine in a wheeled suitcase with some towels around, it survived through 2 plane flights (to the LAN and back) and a train travel London -> Telford -> London. No monitor though, only the box. That was for i43 and I’m planning on doing the same this year for i46 :D


I dont know if someone already said it, but I suggest removing the CPU cooler if you have a non-stock one and the videocard, especially if it is big and heavy to avoid any stroke damage it. Put it in a bubble wrap and you’re safe.

Last edited by Leif,



I feel like most of the people in this thread would have a heart attack if they saw the way I took my PC to LAN for the first 6 events I went to before I got a laptop as my main machine. :P

Large suitcase. Tower fits in like a glove with literally millimeters of space on 3 sides. Sleeping bag gets rolled up, then rolled across PC with the remaining roll going into the space at the top. Peripherals get put in the space left at the top. Monitor stand dissembled, the monitor goes face down on sleeping bag with mouse mat for extra protection. Clothes laid flat on top of monitor. Case closes with pretty much no room left. PC goes to and from 6 times on a 10hr train journey with 2/3 changes without incident.

prem @ packing PC’s.

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