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Extv Auction Steam Account: Donate Metal or Hats and add to the LAN fund!

Created 19th June 2012 @ 13:18

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Quoted from atmo

Yep, he told me something in that range.

That is the rough monetary value of the items on the open market. I expect that once we up their value by naming and labeling them as from pro players, the actual value will increase significantly.



The drive ends August 3rd, and after that the auction still needs to happen.

But according to Pirate Radio, LG has set a deadline for August 1st to be past a certain amount for them to take time off work and stuff… So is this auction still gonna matter into sending 2 teams, or will this only benefit MixUp?

Need a Strange nade launcher to finish off one of the strange sets, will give metal for it etc; had a check on tf2 trading sites but people are asking for keys which i dont have, give me an add on the extvauction account if you’ve got one to give!



What ever happend to this?



Quoted from Califax

What ever happend to this?

I am guessing cos Tickets were already paid for Chaplain is waiting till after i46 where he will then send the money back to help towards repaying Sal.

Or it was a scam and all of your items now belong to him.

I have done everything i can. Collected 600 items and sorted everything for the raffle to happen. Everything that can be done on it has to be done by extv, and they promise me it’ll happen


nono, I have all the items and they are being well taken care of. Auction will happen, but it is looking like it will have to be after i46, extine got too busy with work to do anything with us in this regard and we wanted his input before deciding on an auction/raffle format. Extine has real items he wants to auction off as well and we decided to do them all at the same time, but he has been a slippery fellow lately :D

raise money for i46 after i46 ;s



Quoted from shdwpuppet

nono, I have all the items and they are being well taken care of. Auction will happen, but it is looking like it will have to be after i46, extine got too busy with work to do anything with us in this regard and we wanted his input before deciding on an auction/raffle format. Extine has real items he wants to auction off as well and we decided to do them all at the same time, but he has been a slippery fellow lately :D

A big part of this idea wasn’t only to raise money, but also spread the word about i46 to those who wouldn’t normally have heard about it. The auction appeals to traders, pubbers, anyone interested in hats; they might wonder what this whole “biggest TF2 event ever” is all about. Those who get intrigued might check it out and watch streams and get involved with playing comp. It’s simple.

After the mostly disastrous extv qualifiers, I really thought that extv would get their act together for this idea. All the work was practically completed by Chaplain, it just needed the exposure that extv could provide. It would be unfair for Extine’s work schedule to take the blame, I’m sure extv has other staff members.

Last edited by Ritalin,


Quoted from Ritalin


A big part of this idea wasn’t only to raise money, but also spread the word about i46 to those who wouldn’t normally have heard about it. The auction appeals to traders, pubbers, anyone interested in hats; they might wonder what this whole “biggest TF2 event ever” is all about. Those who get intrigued might check it out and watch streams and get involved with playing comp. It’s simple.

After the mostly disastrous extv qualifiers, I really thought that extv would get their act together for this idea. All the work was practically completed by Chaplain, it just needed the exposure that extv could provide. It would be unfair for Extine’s work schedule to take the blame, I’m sure extv has other staff members.

I agree completely, but unfortunately the time and man power has not been there. Extine wanted to provide input and run/be part of the auction as well as put up some of the various TF2 items that he has signed up for auction. We have all been busy with everything from work (for extine, sal, duder) school (sal and myself) as well as organizing everything else for i46 and the other day to day extv stuff, this just fell through the cracks. I agreed to liaise with chaplain on this because I thought his idea was a great one, but unfortunately the time and energy just did not exist for this project.

Like I said, these items will get out, auctions will be held and metal sold, but as I am leaving for england on sunday, I dont have time personally to do anything until after i46. This project needs a fair bit more than just exposure. I am extremely grateful for Chaplain’s part in this and all the work he did collecting donations and advertising. I would consider that part of the effort a success.

Again, everyone has been busy and most of our staff members are only interested in streaming/casting/graphics work, this administrative business sometimes takes a back seat when life gets hectic for everyone as it happened to around this time of the year.

The items WILL be utilized and proceeds will go towards the i46 effort as there is still a fair amount of money that Sal and eXtine have put up towards this event that I would like to see them paid back for.



damn Ritalin, you scary!



I dare say that seems like a bit of an oversight then. My assumption is that there are [hopefully trusted] people who would have been willing to do as much as you’d allow them to, if you’d actually have said you were potentially struggling for manpower and time.

It’s somewhat a shame for the reason Ritalin mentioned. The money factor doesn’t bother me, be it before or after, just seems a bit of a waste of exposure. Chaplain managed to take a lot of the nitty gritty out of the picture in the first place.



Quoted from BoneS

damn Ritalin, you scary!

sorry :<



Host auction @ lan = profit

Traders will have to tune into i46 then :D



Quoted from Black_Bob

Host auction @ lan = profit

Traders will have to tune into i46 then :D

This…this is a good idea. However, plentiful alcohol consumption and good times to be had, may make it a practical impossibility.

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