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20% off Insomnia46 - Mere Hours Remaining!! Tick Tock!

Created 6th June 2012 @ 10:14

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Hi Ladies and Gentlemen!

Just a heads up for those planning on coming to Insomnia46, but maybe have not paid just yet.

The current 20% discount ends in about 7 hours from the time of this post, so I recommend you get paid up asap! Its £73.60 at the moment for a full BYOC weekend ticket, which includes camping and tournament entry. If you wait until tomorrow then it will go up to £92 – the standard (and still bloody good value for a weekend “holiday” for gamers).

Here is a link to the tickets page for those in need: Insomnia46 Tickets

If you are coming anyway, it makes sense to save that cash to spend during the weekend instead!

Last edited by KharneUK,


(Toucan Ambassador)

Someone tell those damn yanks!


Why would the topic say Insomnia45 if it ended like a month ago?

Last edited by Setlet,


Because I appear to have eaten a slice of fail-cake today.

Thanks – fixed :)

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