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FAO Highlanders and Lan Goers!

Created 8th March 2012 @ 12:39

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highlander is bad. it is also hard enough getting 6 people to lan, let alone 9

Tapley ❤


Say constructive things Woody or i’m going to tell Wizzo you’re still 17 at lan.


as bad as you might think it, lots of people absolutely love it and the PR value, if pulled off well is massively.

seriously, it would be the first highlander LAN event, even if its a side event next to the 6v6 stuff


Quoted from Tapley ❤

Say constructive things Woody or i’m going to tell Wizzo you’re still 17 at lan.

15th of April bro =D

Tapley ❤


Quoted from Comedian

as bad as you might think it, lots of people absolutely love it and the PR value, if pulled off well is massively.

seriously, it would be the first highlander LAN event, even if its a side event next to the 6v6 stuff

Yep it has poetential, the tricky part is finding out from the teams if they are interested in offline events. I’ll post on UGC and reddit and see what type of responces i get.

Last edited by Tapley ❤,

Tapley ❤


ok bump my reddit thread or however you get it viewed! :]

Last edited by Tapley ❤,



That sounds awesome! I know a couple of guys from my team/community are considering going to i46, if we were able to play Highlander I certainly would be far more keen to attend and I’m sure others would too.

The UGC forums, from what I can tell, are far less used than this one, and anyway it’s more America-focused there. I doubt it’d really be worth your while posting there, since most Euros playing Highlander in UGC right now will probably be on ETF2L as well.

SPUF is just a bad place to ask any serious question unless it’s an item price check or “WHERE IS EP 3 GABEN YOU FAT BASTARD”.

Tapley ❤


Same favorable comments on reddit so far, please upvote the post! :]



I think trying it instead of the fun tournament might be a good idea (Hildreth!). Typically with the 6v6 one I find half the people to go AWOL, or watching the upper games. A highlander would suffer more if as many people did that, but maybe being something different and a bit more ‘fun’ would actually help that.

If we can get a bit of good advertisement by multiplay on it then i’d like to see it tried.

Actually having it planned will probably start well atleast, as i’ve always felt the fun tournament is always just mashed together at the last minute.

Numerically, do you know how many teams/players on average that sign up for the fun tournaments? I suspect looking at that would give an idea if it’s viable from the current crowd, then you can judge how much outside interest/highlander specific would be needed.

Last edited by Nymthae,



Quoted from Tapley ❤

Same favorable comments on reddit so far, please upvote the post! :]

Ye it’s all good, but bear in mind that /r/tf2 consists almost entirely of American pubbers. A lot of them will back it for sure and watch the stream, but start asking people to book tickets and flights and you’ll find things going silent pretty quickly.

Last edited by Skyride,



would it be impossible to get an official news post or something on the tf2 blog?

like a plea or something to get everyone to book i46 :D

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