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Newbury vs Telford?

Created 29th August 2011 @ 15:25

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Quoted from Chaplain

Hey Sky, how much was the train? im up in dundee and all the trains ive seen cost 100s of quids

I was £85 return with a 16-25 railcard.

Quoted from Skyride


I was £85 return with a 16-25 railcard.

You’ve got me, looks like im coming to the others



Quoted from Chaplain


You’ve got me, looks like im coming to the others

o/ You live up in dundee? :o

And ye. The trick is to book your tickets at the train station, not online. They’re a lot more expensive.



Telford, the only downside was the lack of a proper onsite bar. But that was quickly fixed by a trip to Asda.

Did anyone ever actually find that slide that everyone was talking about?



You had to walk past it to get to the secondary camp site, across the little pond area.

I have to agree about the bar thing too, we had to stop playing drinking games early on friday because we didn’t have enough drink! (also because they devolved into an arm wrestling competition).



FUCKING WOODEN TABLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Quoted from Colt.

FUCKING WOODEN TABLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, NEVER use those again.



Quoted from Nmx


Yeah, NEVER use those again.


Quoted from Gubbins

Yeah, NEVER use those again.

Last edited by ThePledge,


Pixie <3

Telford Pros:

-Is big
-Stage good
-ASDA cheap and close
-Camping area not stone covered with thin layer of grass like bits of Newbury
-Lotsa showers
-Childrens’ play area
-Lotsa space for spekking players at their PCs

Telford Cons:

-Camping site small
-Security getting mad at everything
-Tuck shop has no coffee, have to pay 1.50 for that shit.
-Wooden desk
-Far away from home, had to get a train, wdon’t like trains.
-Bars were shit and even buying beers in bulk wasnt that cheap.
-No fish and chips
-Bushes for flip flops to be lost in
-Loos appeared to be several miles away from PCs.
-No KFC nearby.

Perfect setup for me would be Newbury, but with the stage/ pub quiz set in an outside tent near where the outside part of the Fullers bar is (they did this at i33 and I imagine before that as well).

Last edited by Foster,

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