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Newbury vs Telford?

Created 29th August 2011 @ 15:25

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What do you guys think?

Personally I feel like for the actual gaming (like the atmosphere of the PC area and the finals stage) is far better than Newbury, but it’s just not as good for chatting, drinking, socialising, etc,, just because the bar and grass area at Newbury was so awesome.

I’m 50/50, I think both venues are good, but I’d probably say Newbury if it wasn’t a case of 6hrs vs 10hrs for the journey. :P


(ETF2L Donator)

Newbury is better community wise as everyone isnt sat in a massive hall. It also has the outside bar which I feel is better than the one at Telford. However Telford is hands down the best for hotels/shops as they are so much more easily accessible



fullers bar at telford, close the fucking doors at night or i get freezing and move the premier inn a mile closer sorted.


Quoted from Skyride

What do you guys think?

Personally I feel like for the actual gaming (like the atmosphere of the PC area and the finals stage) is far better than Newbury, but it’s just not as good for chatting, drinking, socialising, etc,, just because the bar and grass area at Newbury was so awesome.

I’m 50/50, I think both venues are good, but I’d probably say Newbury if it wasn’t a case of 6hrs vs 10hrs for the journey. :P

apart from the travel (telford is only an extra 30 mins for me), I agree here



I wish they didn’t stop serving alcohol so early, though it probably ended up a good thing they did. I might have died if i kept drinking!



It was nice to see everyone break out from their circlejerks. Myself included.



Quoted from Gambles

It was nice to see everyone break out from their circlejerks. Myself included.

Shoutout to Turbo for creating a new circlejerk.


(king of all rollouts)

telford, hands down. stage was awesome. :)


Personally i would prefer telford because its closer for me,cos the final stage was awsome,cos we had shops nearby.. Food wise inside the venu,telford was far better.. quality food. Not much space to put a tent up was the minus for me.
Newbury is great,train at the door,food wise not has good has telford. If you want to go to a shop in newbury it will be quit far walking. Space for the tents is awsome. Opinios will be different but this one is mine



Quoted from DoomsDay

Food wise inside the venu,telford was far better.. quality food.

What? Did I miss something? I was just getting food from the stone willys stand. Pretty much just ate Pizza and McDonalds all weekend, but their chicken strips and wedges are AMAZING. I thought all of that was Stone Willy’s who are doing i-series, rather than the actual venue?

If you want to go to a shop in newbury it will be quit far walking.

You sure? Maybe it was because I was walking back and forth a lot, but Asda’s to me seemed closer to Telford that sainsburys is to Newbury?



Quoted from Skyride



You sure? Maybe it was because I was walking back and forth a lot, but Asda’s to me seemed closer to Telford that sainsburys is to Newbury?

That’s what he said isn’t it?


(Cat Enthusiast)

I’m a little biased towards Newbury because it took me 4 hours to get to Telford!

However, the stage simply cannot compare to Telford’s. No more looking at tiny screens! The exhibition area was also much larger but they didn’t have many things on sale :( Despite being forever-a-spec, I quite like the idea of the hotels being so close to the venue.
Food was better at Telford too imo, plus Asda is nearby.

One thing I dislike about Telford is that it feels quite ‘boxed in’. There isn’t much to do outside, no benches or anything D:



Quoted from Permzilla


That’s what he said isn’t it?

ye lol, derp. Read it wrong, /ignore.



Only ever been to Newbury to spec so can’t really properly comment on the atmosphere – but venue wise I think Telford is an obvious winner. Not being able to park near the tents wasn’t really a massive problem for me, its not as if it was a long walk.

Regarding it not having much outside space that should be changed soon, as all the building work going on is basically Telford Council revamping the area. Saying that though, just remembering Newbury there was loads of outside space compared to telford.

Last edited by lolage,

Hey Sky, how much was the train? im up in dundee and all the trains ive seen cost 100s of quids

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