Created 29th August 2011 @ 12:14
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This is just weird. I’m gonna just sit and watch and not take sides, both are solid people (know sparky from ne, met fake at LAN, good bloke). As dougie said, I’d like to hear both sides, or any side to be honnest. However i think some privacy should be taken on the forums
Quoted from Skully
This is just weird. I’m gonna just sit and watch and not take sides, both are solid people (know sparky from ne, met fake at LAN, good bloke). As dougie said, I’d like to hear both sides, or any side to be honnest. However i think some privacy should be taken on the forums
We could just not talk about it instead lol
If someone could link me her facebook that would be greatly appreciated. I want to get me some smelly fingers and I’m not talking my regular nerdy cheesy puff fingers.
Quoted from Andee
At least something got wet in the proces.
You Sir… made me spill coke over my pc. rofld too hard.
Last edited by doks,
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