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[epic6] - TF2 Tournament Cancelled

Created 26th June 2011 @ 13:20

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Unfortunately we have had to take the very difficult decision to cancel the epic.SIX Team Fortress 2 Tournament.

After giving the TF2 community plenty of notice to assemble sufficient teams, widely advertised via ETF2L and Vanilla TF2, with around one month to go prior to the event unfortunately we need to make this sad choice due to the lack of teams either currently signed up or in the process of making arrangements.

epic.LAN’s Managing Director, Winbar, explained,
“We’re genuinely sad to have to cancel the TF2 tournament, particularly as it was our first tournament as epic.LAN and many of the team members enjoy TF2 themselves. Unfortunately in our organisation, we have to fund and underwrite all of our activities ourselves, so when it became apparent of the lack of interest in TF2 for epic.SIX (and arguably in the UK as a whole as we see LAN attendance decreasing), our only option with one month to go was to call it a day for TF2 at epic.LAN for now. However we will watch for any growth in the competitive community in light of Valve’s recent decision to make the game free to play”.

As a result of this announcement, we are thankful to Tt eSPORTS who have agreed to transfer their support to the Counter-Strike: Source Tournament. This means we will be adding in some hardware prizes to those finishing in 3rd place or 4th place if we hit the 20 team trigger.


(Toucan Ambassador)

Understandable, but sad all the same :(

Thanks for your valiant efforts, Winbar and epicLAN.

Maybe next time… if there is a next time.


Damn, I’m sure this could have had another turn-out if the free2play announcement was made earlier x)


I love how quickly every to do with epic.SIX has been unstuck from the forums! Shame some of the teams weren’t as quick to get organised!



Sad to hear but for most of us we couldn’t afford 2 LANS in 1 summer.


Quoted from winbar

I love how quickly every to do with epic.SIX has been unstuck from the forums!

No problem, appreciate it.



Dude it’s a fucking travesty. If people really think TF2 is dieing, we can point at shit like and see why.



Quoted from Skyride

Dude it’s a fucking travesty. If people really think TF2 is dieing, we can point at shit like and see why.

What the fuck? This by no means TF2 is dying, the UK has such a small TF2 community and most people would be spending the money to go to i43.

I was going to go until I lost my job, you know, because of the tough economic climate that is troubling quite a few people, so I can only afford to get to i43 this year, seriously you need to learn when to shut the fuck up on topics like this.



Quoted from WARHURYEAH


What the fuck? This by no means TF2 is dying, the UK has such a small TF2 community and most people would be spending the money to go to i43.

I was going to go until I lost my job, you know, because of the tough economic climate that is troubling quite a few people, so I can only afford to get to i43 this year, seriously you need to learn when to shut the fuck up on topics like this.

Why so mad? He’s right in a way.


I would have gone but like war, am struggling with paying for a holiday this summer and can’t even afford to go to i43 myself.



Quoted from rtan


Why so mad? He’s right in a way.

Because it’s so ignorant!

Everyone is fully in support of Epic LAN, everyone wants it to happen, but quite simply the UK TF2 community is so small and i43 is the place to be.

Just because a small LAN doesn’t want to support TF2 it’s QQ time. There’s only one (mostly) British team that’s near prem and that’s Infused, so the others would be paying to play for a mix team that possibly wouldn’t win.

That’s not a reason for not going because I was planning on attending, it wouldn’t cost me much to get there via train if I couldn’t get a lift, but just because people aren’t going to a smaller LAN.

It’s not a big deal for TF2 if the LAN isn’t supporting TF2, at all, because the UK scene is tiny we only seem big because 90% of the UK community are just shouting shit all the time.


(Toucan Ambassador)

3 teams (Infused already going) isn’t a big ask, and Winbar and his crew were bending over backwards to accommodate us.

We fucking suck, no question.



Quoted from WARHURYEAH


Because it’s so ignorant!

Everyone is fully in support of Epic LAN, everyone wants it to happen, but quite simply the UK TF2 community is so small and i43 is the place to be.

Just because a small LAN doesn’t want to support TF2 it’s QQ time. There’s only one (mostly) British team that’s near prem and that’s Infused, so the others would be paying to play for a mix team that possibly wouldn’t win.

That’s not a reason for not going because I was planning on attending, it wouldn’t cost me much to get there via train if I couldn’t get a lift, but just because people aren’t going to a smaller LAN.

It’s not a big deal for TF2 if the LAN isn’t supporting TF2, at all, because the UK scene is tiny we only seem big because 90% of the UK community are just shouting shit all the time.

you took his comment like it was a personal insult and then replied in a really aggressive manner for no reason.

yeah some people can’t afford to go and fair enough, but how many teams signed up? 1 or 2? that’s quite embarrassing whichever way you look at it.



Aside from anything else, I wasn’t saying TF2 was dying. I’m saying when it dies, you can put to stuff like this as the reason why.

Quoted from Admirable

3 teams (Infused already going) isn’t a big ask, and Winbar and his crew were bending over backwards to accommodate us.

We fucking suck, no question.

This. 3 Teams, 18 people out of fucking thousands is absolutely not a big ask in any way, shape or form. “Being in support of something” means absolutely fucking nothing when you are not willing (or unable) to put your time and money into it. This is sort of the thing this community fails time and time again to realise.

Quoted from WARHURYEAH

Just because a small LAN doesn’t want to support TF2 it’s QQ time. There’s only one (mostly) British team that’s near prem and that’s Infused, so the others would be paying to play for a mix team that possibly wouldn’t win.

They LAN really really wanted to support TF2. Infact they almost put themselves in financial jeopardy to do so. It’s TF2 that had bassically zero interest in supporting or working with this event. And so fuck if you’re going to lose. That has absolutely never been the point of LAN ever in TF2.

That’s not a reason for not going because I was planning on attending, it wouldn’t cost me much to get there via train if I couldn’t get a lift, but just because people aren’t going to a smaller LAN.

Then why didn’t you sign up? Why didn’t you make posts in the mix/merc thread? Nothing? Someone has to be first to say “so ye, I’m booked up, who else is going”. I didn’t say at any point that I would be going, because I knew I wouldn’t be able to. I was however probably one of the first people to book my ticket for i42 and get that “TF2” slapped in there asap, I’ll also actually be booking my i43 ticket tomorow.

It’s not a big deal for TF2 if the LAN isn’t supporting TF2, at all, because the UK scene is tiny we only seem big because 90% of the UK community are just shouting shit all the time.

Yes it is a big deal for TF2. 2 Reasons:

1) Tt Esports have just been shown first hand that the TF2 scene has no interest in supporting smaller events, so they are far less likely to even bother considering putting money into TF2 in the future.
2) Any other smaller LAN events who are up for doing a bit of homework, were also just shown that TF2 has interest in making a decent showing at their event if they were to host it themselves.

Fair play if you couldn’t go yourself (ignoring the fact you made no posts in the mix/merc thread or anything) then fair enough, but you’re in a very small minority.

Last edited by Skyride,



I couldn’t afford to go as I bought a new car, I did say i was going to get a team together for which i failed.

I wish winbar goodluck with epiclan as it was fun last time.

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