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Seeking TF2 Admin for epic.SIX

Created 2nd June 2011 @ 23:45

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Sadly the dynamic duo are unavailable for epic.SIX, so assuming the TF2 tournament goes ahead (you have around 4 weeks to get your teams organised before I have to make the decision), we’re looking for somebody to give us a hand as TF2 admin for the weekend.

If this is something you feel you have the relevant experience for, and are interested in being a part of a great, fun LAN event, then drop me an email to [email protected] and we’ll have a chat.

Tapley ❤


A Really professional and up and coming lan here. All the guys are quality and friendly A++ would buy again! I can’t admin this lan as im working and Spence is off in Spain being A Gigalo.
I can provide help over the weekend via irc/mumble etc though if anyone thinking of applying and needs help at the actual event itself, slap me up.

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