ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


[epic6] 28th-31st July - Mixes/Mercs

Created 8th May 2011 @ 16:57

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If you wish to attend but don’t have a full team, let us know and we’ll try to get your matched up into a mix team for the event:

Players Looking:
Hildreth – Demo | 3/4
jgmaster – Soldier | 2/3
Foster – Scout | 1, Others | 3/4
Chris – Medic | 1, Soldier | Any
Daystar – Medic | 2/3, Soldier | Low

Teams Looking:

Last edited by winbar,



I’ll get the ball rolling then.

Mix team, I play Demo div 3/4. Just wanna support the LAN…



Possibly up for it. Solly 2/3.


Pixie <3

Probs up for it.

Scout div1 when I stop being shit and get keen again after exams
The rest div3/4ish


Quoted from jgmaster

Possibly up for it. Solly 2/3.



might be interested in coming if i can actually find a good team.

medic | div1+
soldier | i don’t care. just be friendly chaps that aren’t terribad.


Updated original post



I’d be quite happy to come, even just with a mix team of nice people :)

Medic – Div2/3

(and Soldier – Low if you must)

Last edited by Trent,


I’m up for playing medic in a mix team if I can find one. Difficult to give an accurate div level as I don’t have a work schedule that allows me to have a regular team. I’ll just settle for “low” and leave it at that.

Tapley ❤


Anyone who is actually interested in going i suggest makes a team now! You won’t find one if everyone wants a team but no one wants to create one.
Its easy just add the people searching to your steam and say your making a team, they’ll say “ok i’ll play” then if you advertise looking for 1 player to join 5 of you in a lan team more people will likely sign up if they see a teams been created.
Pull fingers out! :]

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