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iSeries new website & TF2 rules update!

Created 23rd March 2011 @ 13:06

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Hey dats!

For those of you that haven’t noticed, MPUK have launched their new iSeries website. The new site has loads more information than the previous one with details on travel, accomodation, and event details. This should now answer alot of questions that I have had recently about coming to i42.

Also on the site are the updated i42 TF2 tournament rules! I’d ask that you all have a read through this new set and let me know if I have missed anything. This is only initial and is subject to change.

Key Points
-The main i42 tournament will be vanilla +med.
-There will be a second TF2 fun tournament after the group stages for those that are knocked out, where teams will be allowed to play with unlocks. This fun tournament will be better arranged this time round rather than throwing it together quickly like I have done at previous iSeries.
-There will be no draws in the group stages. If your game finishes in a draw then you will play for a golden cap.
-We have a new IRC channel, #Insomnia-TF2 on Quakenet, whereby you can come to ask questions if you have them. I am in there under the nick Matt (capital M when I am online, lowercase when afk but its a bouncer so leave me a message and I will get back to you when I’m online). If you’re playing TF2 at iSeries (be it i42, or past/future events) come and idle!
-We have a new admin; Shazz! He’s only just picking up TF2, but has a shedload of experience running tournaments for iSeries, ESL, WCG, and so on.

iSeries Website
http://iseries.multiplay.co.uk/i42/tournaments/event/team-fortress-2iSeries TF2 Tournament details[/url]

Last edited by Mole,


(Toucan Ambassador)




is there a list of participants up anywhere ? Would be cool to see what teams are going and who from the TF2 community. I am considering to just travel there and see the venue and lots of people. I also have my bday at 22th of april (getting too old) so might be a fun trip to UK.


awesome rules, good to see the lan organizers catching the vanilla mentality


RaWr ::




Quoted from naMu

is there a list of participants up anywhere ? Would be cool to see what teams are going and who from the TF2 community. I am considering to just travel there and see the venue and lots of people. I also have my bday at 22th of april (getting too old) so might be a fun trip to UK.

you better go! i want to drink with this finnish drinking machine


Hey dats!

Quoted from naMu

is there a list of participants up anywhere ? Would be cool to see what teams are going and who from the TF2 community. I am considering to just travel there and see the venue and lots of people. I also have my bday at 22th of april (getting too old) so might be a fun trip to UK.

Yeah there is a link on the new website.

Its not definitive though. It depends on what people have put as their ‘game’ when they book and some don’t put TF2 so they are in a different games list. Also some teams that are sponsored and have the orgs purchase the tickets don’t often appear there as the person booking tickets on their behalf doesn’t always put TF2, they just buy a batch.


(Toucan Ambassador)

i42: The Thrilla In Vanilla

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