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I42 - Seating Thread

Created 20th January 2011 @ 18:44

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Tapley ❤


I’m sorting out seating this event (as best i can) login and find your seats here http://iseries.multiplay.co.uk/seating/index.php
Tf2 area is in brown im trying to increase this as we speak.
Please make sure you “update your details” in the seat picker to show you are tf2 and clan tag up if possible.
Groups of people that wish to sit together please post nicks + booking id (your email it when you book or its in the update my details section i think also)

Tapley ❤


Dentist from Multiplay is going to expand our area tommrow <3 hopefully for the whole of GS F1 as long as we can fill it! Get buying your tickets guys and slapping up your booking info if you need help

Captain Valentine

Thanks for sorting everything out Tapley.

Here are the WDG Booking id’s.

106894 – Tommy the Cat
106897 – CaptainValentine
106951 – Officer Dibble
107011 – LtMama
107343 – Hzza
109654 – DeadlyAvenger

Last edited by Captain Valentine,


I had to move a group of people out of the alcove earlier because I failed and didnt set the area to staff correctly. Apologies if that screws anyone up.

Tapley ❤


Dentist has kindly opened up all the 6 slot clan seating area in GS F1 now! GOGOGOGO Before they get snapped up by smelly Css players.

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