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I42 Want a Team For Lan Thread?

Created 20th January 2011 @ 11:51

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Tapley ❤


This is a thread to help people who are coming in pairs, maybe on their own to find a team reguardless! Most people say “i’d come if i had a team” Well this is the place
If you can attend the event simply put down your Nick – skill – class and i’ll arrange you into a team then seat you all together on the seat picker <3. Its effort but hopefully it'll encourage more people to sign up and blow it big for TF2!

If your looking for a team go to bones post as he can help out!
Post up afterwards if you need a team or a team needs a player

Last edited by Tapley ❤,


soldier – div1 – 22 years old


scout – div1/prem -16yo ;<
soldier – div2 – still 16yo ;<

I am not sure if i can go, still have to sort things out, but if someone is interested, hit me up. Have a team = bigger chance of going.



I might need a team, idk if my team are going cause they’re fags.

div4 solly. anything else div5-6 :D



I will need a team 20 years old

Can medic at div4 level maybe higher on a good day

Last edited by Turbo,


Quoted from Turbo

I will need a team 20 years old

Can medic at div4 level maybe higher on a good day

No u shit

Sit with ussss trrururbrboo

Last edited by Яyan,

Tapley ❤


Topic ammended – wont add hykleri till he knows if he can go


Div 4 scout


Delete me from the list please :p I can mix merc but I’d rather sit with KP.


Quoted from konr

Div 4 scout


the question is….would they prefer to sit with you? ;)


Quoted from Wabbeh



the question is….would they prefer to sit with you? ;)

Everyone cares what you think.


Try: learning to recognise and react in the right way to, a joke.

Difficulties in recognising jokes and sarcasm and often taking everything literally – This can cause misunderstandings and embarrassments into social situations.

A couple of pointers…
Semicolon Closed Bracket (aka Safety smily) – shows that the statement made is is fact a joke and isn’t supposed to be taken literally. The fact that it is a ‘winking’ smily shows that the joke is intended to play on the recipient’s own feelings.
Several full stops – intended to delay the punchline, and show that the words after the full stops are in fact a punchline, ie to a joke

Last edited by Wabbeh,




Last edited by octochris,


Pixie <3

Quoted from Tapley ❤

Mix Team 1
M00 – Soldier
Hako – Soldier
Turbomonkey – Medic
Konr – Scout

The most amazing troll team in the history of tf2.


Quoted from Wabbeh

Try: learning to recognise and react in the right way to, a joke.

A couple of pointers…
Semicolon Closed Bracket (aka Safety smily) – shows that the statement made is is fact a joke and isn’t supposed to be taken literally. The fact that it is a ‘winking’ smily shows that the joke is intended to play on the recipient’s own feelings.
Several full stops – intended to delay the punchline, and show that the words after the full stops are in fact a punchline, ie to a joke

Keep going. Look at everyone caring.

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