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I41 TF2 Tournament Annoucement! Large prize funds announced!

Created 1st November 2010 @ 12:39

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Tapley ❤


Speaking with Multiplay they say no matter how many people turn up they are still providing the minimum prize pot!! :D of over a grand.

So yeah if 2 teams turn up basically you can still win a fuck ton of money!

Sign ups are slow so far but get some mix teams up people for a weekends work and a bit of cash ^_^.

Get signing up people.

1st – £1000
2nd – £500
3rd – £250

Remember to let me know seating ID’s if you all want to sit in the reserved TF2 area of GSF1.

Last edited by Tapley ❤,

Tapley ❤


P.S. Resident stud Tapley has a Tf2 Worthy Laptop people can rent from me if they are bringing euro buddies on the plane :].

Last edited by Tapley ❤,






if anyone needs a medic i can go but i might already have a team :0


Pixie <3

The prize fund has now been set, and with 6 teams the tournament has attracted a £1,750 prize fund.

Winners £1,250
Second Place £500

They changed it to this yesterday apparently.

Not like I was going for the pretty much guaranteed 40 quid return or anything.

Oh wait.

What the fuck.


Quoted from Foster

The prize fund has now been set, and with 6 teams the tournament has attracted a £1,750 prize fund.

Winners £1,250
Second Place £500

They changed it to this yesterday apparently.

Not like I was going for the pretty much guaranteed 40 quid return or anything.

Oh wait.

What the fuck.


Tapley ❤


Speak to multiplay, i was told it’d be top 3, but they’ve changed it now as their policy is top 25% of teams get the prize money. I didn’t have a hand in this im afraid boys :(

Last edited by Tapley ❤,

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