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Things learnt at LAN

Created 31st August 2010 @ 21:55

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Post your LAN revelations:

nova is a chav
caned is from goldie lookin chain
don’t try and get you and a frenchman in a double tent if you are 6ft5
network admin hates me (won’t allocate me a static ip, sadface :( )
iceland’s national sport is waterboarding
ryan can go 4 days without cumwounding a pigeon



Going without sleep for 56 hours without sleeping is not a good idea.
If you see chris is playing tf2 at 7 in the morning still don’t talk to him, he’ll probably be slightly retarded. And not have use of his right arm.
rEJ are awesome and give out a shit load of free drinks.

nervousENERGY>Multiplay for servers.



Quoted from Enef

If you see chris is playing tf2 at 7 in the morning still don’t talk to him, he’ll probably be slightly retarded. And not have use of his right arm.

whole arm is still being shit, fuck you multiplay for not investing in heaters


Prepare to get your mind blown, Poop is asian! Also Epsilon Slick is strangely sexy.

Last edited by David,


Quoted from octochris


whole arm is still being shit, fuck you multiplay for not investing in heaters

you were in a room full of electrical equipment :P



Quoted from frymaster


you were in a room full of electrical equipment :P

at 5am was trapped with a bunch of fucking cod4 faggots, all pcs off, very fucking cold :(



Quoted from octochris

network admin hates me (won’t allocate me a static ip, sadface :( )

“hey network admin, can you do this because I have a really retarded network setup on my PC and it won’t work otherwise”.



Quoted from Skyride


“hey network admin, can you do this because I have a really retarded network setup on my PC and it won’t work otherwise”.

it’s not fucking hard to set an upper limit on the dhcp server (((((


slick is the sexiest manager in tf2
loco is the sexiest medic in tf2

bring a spare pair of pants always, it gets pretty cold with your arse hanging out

also numlocked has quite nice and tight buttocks

Last edited by xzr,



Quoted from David

Prepare to get your mind blown, Poop is asian! Also Epsilon Slick is strangely sexy.




Quoted from xzr

also numlocked has quite nice and tight buttocks

very huggable, also very open to hugs and can lift heavy people with ease


(Cat Enthusiast)

Quoted from xzr

slick is the sexiest manager in tf2

With a name like Greg Champagne, you can say he’s pretty… smooth.

Never share a room with rej r7an
rej r7an stinks of shit
rej r7an doesn’t know he stinks of shit
rej r7an is used to stinking of shit therefore he doesn’t know he stinks of shit
rej r7an has to take a shit every morning and every night

Last edited by A.k,



a.k is actually a terrorist

if you get jh drunk, the american accent disappears and he is once again finnish
extremer doesnt know the rules to “start your engines”
one TF2 player can make more noise than the whole CoD4 community
the whole of the TF2 community can make more noise than everyone else at the venue put together
seraph is extremely racist
drinking most of slicks bacardi is WRONG

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