Dear teams and players, for the upcoming Highlander Season 32 (Summer 2024), we also have a poll form we would appreciate you to fill out to help us make decisions for the season. You can find and fill out this poll form Here.
Dear teams and players, thank you for participating in the ETF2L 6v6 Season 47 (Spring 2024). We would appreciate if you could take your time to go through this little feedback form.


nervousENERGY@i40 and YOU!

Created 18th August 2010 @ 11:11

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Hello there! Some of you know me, some of you don’t.

nervousENERGY will be bringing a Server to lan. With which we will host a Mumble server. IF any team needs a private mumble channel to use for matches feel free to jump in and ask us and we’ll do what we can.

We may be able to host servers for you too, depending on the game/first come first served/etc etc.

We will be hosting at least 2 public TF2 server, Trackmania maybe both kinds of Minecraft server, CoD4 server, UT2K4, Quake 3….the list of what we currently host and maybe could might be able to host is positively endless! (almost!)

As a bonus, since we control our DNS, once we know the IP, and we’re set up at LAN, the server will be accessible at lan.nervousenergy.co.uk :D

We’re friendly guys and there is about 30 of us. We won’t be hard to spot.

Just look for this idiot walking around….


So come on down to seat MQ-B3 and bother me and i’ll see what i can get done for you.

Last edited by Enef,



fairplay :)

Tapley ❤


Nice Enef it always takes me and mole fucking ages to setup decent lan pub servers (Its not because we’re drunk honest) So if you can get a tf2 server or two up with a decent cfg tha would be great. I’ll look to high five any Orange people if you remember to high five us cillit bangers! http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1985152/Lan%20shirt.png

Last edited by Tapley ❤,



i remember i36 when i asked in #tf2 or #help about Mumble, the answer was short: “We dont do Mumble servers”. Fkin baddies back then, I’d even have helped set them up, but nooo.



Good show!



We have plenty of experience hosting public servers!

Check out ne1.nervousenergy.co.uk:22000 our main public server! :D



An ammo mod server would be ace :D



We currently have a midairmod server but kAmmomod/ammomod would be possible. If someone could find the details etc we might be able to get a DM server up as well.


Niiice, especially with trackmania too!

Dr Icecream

We’re opening a topic at Nervous Energy forums right now about what we’ll be hosting, so if you want your game hosted, give us a shout at nervousenergy.co.uk, and we’ll see what we can do.


Hey dats!

Nice job Enef. If you want to host more on your box I am sure we can get some TF2 public servers up too, just need some of the cfg’s and a bit of advice from someone that runs them a bit more often!

We were about there at i39 but due to other issues out of our control they ended up going down again :/


Quoted from Waebi

i remember i36 when i asked in #tf2 or #help about Mumble, the answer was short: “We dont do Mumble servers”. Fkin baddies back then, I’d even have helped set them up, but nooo.

to be fair, that was in the dim and dark pre-1.2 mumble days, and 1.1 servers were a bastard to set up, especially for a place like multiplay that would need to do it “properly” (i.e. controllable from their central admin system etc.)



Quoted from Enef

kAmmomod/ammomod would be possible.

yes please!!!!!!!!! :D


server has been handed in (was done hours ago but the internet’s only just come up) but they said it wouldn’t be until about 11am that we could ask what IP it’s been set up on.

So it’ll be midday at least until things start coming online.
mumble & match servers will be first, coz they’re easy, public / sourcemod servers may take a little longer
trackmania, cod4, quake3 will also be up quite quickly, again as they don’t need any tweaking (if they go wrong they’ll be at the end of the queue though)

until then there is a temp LAN mumble server running at i40fry.127001.org (my PC)




bringing you lan servers when even multiplay can’t!

Thanks to Berto and Ozz and LtMama for having a little mess around whilst lan was fucking up.

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