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Created 11th August 2011 @ 01:48

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Quoted from T2master

[…] “you did better than your previous best” pane. […] to the relevant file so I can change it for myself?

This is one thing that is gone from the oxide hud, which mine is based on. So, I’m not 100% sure on which file you need to change. Statpanel_Base sounds about right though.

Quoted from aL

[…]the vote panel[…]

Looks like I’ve completely missed this, which voting panel are we talking about?

Quoted from quik

hp bucket is piece of shit and looks awfull

Glad to be of service.


the one with gray background, when someone go into the menu screen and ”calls a vote”


love the minimalistic in this


Hello there!
First I want too say thank you Mister Chippy for what you done. It’s one of the most good HUD!
But I have some problem with it…
I don’t know how to explain it so I take some screenshot:

I have install it 2 time and it still doesn’t work so I don’t know what I can do for repair it! Plz help me :D!


Quoted from LiGz

Hello there!
First I want too say thank you Mister Chippy for what you done. It’s one of the most good HUD!
But I have some problem with it…
I don’t know how to explain it so I take some screenshot:

I have install it 2 time and it still doesn’t work so I don’t know what I can do for repair it! Plz help me :D!

Um, what’s wrong? That’s how it’s supposed to look.


Quoted from xetsog

Um, what’s wrong? That’s how it’s supposed to look.

I don’t think so!
Look, it’s supposed to be like this one:


Quoted from LiGz

I don’t think so!
Look, it’s supposed to be like this one:

Hm, well, his hud never looked like that in-game for me either. Screenshot must be old.


What is this link dude? ^^
I think it’s look more like a bug on the HUD, look when I want to select a weapon/hat:
[invalid URL] http://nsa21.casimages.com/img/2012/01/03/120103033516874868.jpg [invalid URL]



Yup, old screenshot. The way you’ve been experiencing it is the way it should be. Haven’t been bothered to upload new ones yet.


\V/ Gold

Quoted from aL

the one with gray background, when someone go into the menu screen and ”calls a vote”


missing too for me.


I know Voting is missing in the HUD, but I’m also not seeing “Start Playing” on the main menu. Was that purposely left out for any reason?

Is there any way to make the HUD go default for just these two elements?

Asides from that, this seems to be my favorite HUD :)


Quoted from patach

I know Voting is missing in the HUD, but I’m also not seeing “Start Playing” on the main menu. Was that purposely left out for any reason?

Is there any way to make the HUD go default for just these two elements?

Asides from that, this seems to be my favorite HUD :)

This is my absolute favourite hud, I would hate to see it dying through steam updates!

If someone knows which parts are responsible for the new vote function I’ll take a look and try to fix it with GCFscrape. If I get the hang of it I’ll bring a different health bucket in as well ;)

Would you mind me tinkering with your hud chippy?


This is probably asking a lot chippy, but it would be enormously useful to know which sections in which files you deleted (so I don’t get confused with which sections steam added and which you deleted)

Any other info helping me edit your script would be cool as well.


Quoted from Motrak

This is probably asking a lot chippy, but it would be enormously useful to know which sections in which files you deleted (so I don’t get confused with which sections steam added and which you deleted)

Any other info helping me edit your script would be cool as well.


Your friend. Also while things aren’t really broken, there are a few parts of KNHUD that aren’t updated for this:

“If you have notepad++, you can open up every .res file, ctrl+f, replace CTFLabel with CExLabel and click replace in all open documents. go to file -> save all and your hud is updated in about 10 seconds.” – ricco

replace CFTButton with CExButton
replace CTFRichText with CExRichText


That’s really helpful, thanks!

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